Wednesday, October 26th, 2021

Sharon believes Billy called Rey about Adam because he’s manipulating him; using the animosity between them. Rey defends Billy (and his reasonable questions) Sharon defends Adam – he’s come a long way since what happened with Chelsea. Billy will always see him as a monster. And you will always see him as what? A victim in need of saving? Sharon shouldn’t have talked to Lily, it was on impulse. Your impulse is always to defend Adam, Rey concludes before going out for some air. OK, love you too, Sharon’s eyes bug out and her head bobbles.

Lily agrees that they need an ally – someone with influence over Victor and Adam; Vikki. Billy doesn’t agree that he’s back in Vikki’s good graces and doesn’t feel comfortable asking her for protection. He sends her a ‘can we talk’ text but isn’t giving up on finding Gaines.

Sally relays Billy and Adam’s disagreement at CL’s. Seems like they’re going to war – how do we make sure their feud doesn’t hit us? Chloe doesn’t have an answer.

Mariah watches on with envy as Devon gives Dominic his bottle. Ashley thinks it sweet that she wants to go after Abby but believes her daughter needs space. Mariah forces herself to remain seated as Ashley praises Devon’s baby skills. Returning with no news, Chris clearly isn’t holding out hope that Chance is alive.

The explosion happened in the middle of the night, Chance may have taken off his watch before going to bed – but Chris couldn’t tell Abby that. She’s devastated for her. Ashley appreciates Chris coming to tell them personally (and Mariah’s offer to be there for Abby)

In the spot in the park where Chance proposed to her, Abby tears up and vows not to give up on him. She makes a call – Dad, I really need your help.

Kevin joins Rey on the patio. He’s worried about Chloe working for Adam (a job she took to give Chelsea ‘a soft place to land’) She’s playing with fire – Adam really put her through hell. One of these days he’ll land himself in prison, and that day can’t come soon enough for Kevin. Rey mulls that one over.

Adam thanks Victor’s PI for coming to his office to discuss a matter that needs to be handled in the strictest confidence – it stays between us and Victor.

My Thoughts: Abby’s coat is hideous; it’s wrinkled and what is wrong with THE HEM. Ashley’s dress is another fashion faux pas; it looks uncomfortable and unflattering. I’d liked to have seen how she stood up in it…. I wish the writers would make up their minds where to take Sharon’s character – they’ve been hammering us over the head with her status as a level-headed therapist. Today she seemed more like a patient off her meds … Does the estate not have any hired help? Mariah and Tessa are guests Ashley; they aren’t there to make snacks. She wouldn’t think of telling Devon to run along to the kitchen to make snacks or something … You might be thinking to yourself ‘Hmm. The spot where Chance proposed to Abby looks awfully familiar, but I just can’t place it’ Well, I’ve got you – it looks familiar because it’s the same spot Adam and Sally run into each other while jogging, and the spot where Summer and Kyle had their picnics, and the spot Adam kicked around a soccer ball with Connor, and the spot Sally filmed Ashland shouting at Harrison as he almost collapsed. Fun Fact – Chancellor Park looks big when filmed at a distance but it’s really only two benches and a 10×10 patch of grass.