Friday, December 10th, 2021

Devon gushes about Dominic. He’s happy that Chance is home but envisioned. You’ll always have his back, Amanda knows ~kiss~

Nick was this close to interrupting Vic’s wedding – because you turned to Adam and shut me out. Unless I agree with you, you have no need for me – Nick has a problem with that.

Chance is relieved when he hears Dominic on the monitor. Abby stifles a yawn – how can I make this transition easier for you? Knowing he has to work it out himself, Chance doesn’t look to excited about going to work at the GCPD.

Adam’s amused to hear that Noah turned CL’s into a photo studio. Yes, Sharon loved it – and encouraged him to consider Adam’s job offer (which he’s going to accept)

Victor’s unapologetic. If he failed Nick’s test and doesn’t live up to his standards, so be it!

While Amanda naps on the sofa, Devon quietly slips out.

Abby’s also napping on the couch. Leaving a note saying he’s gone out for some air, Chance steps into the night.

Victor doesn’t appreciate Nick judging him. We can disagree without being disrespectful. Nick sits back down to admit that he washes his hands of people who don’t go along with him. Maybe it’s not that we’re different, maybe we’re similar. Victor agrees – he can’t change, but he would give his life for any of his kids. That said, he believes Nick to be a better Father than he is.

Two run ins in one day, Devon and Chance run into each other at Society’s bar (both their ladies are home asleep) Devon asks Chance if he’s doing OK – cause it kinda seems like you’re not.

Chance isn’t offended – no, he’s not OK. It’s getting harder to pretend I am. Who are you pretending for? Devon asks. Everyone. Abby would want to help you. She thinks I’m the perfect husband and Father (which he is not) He will try to live up to Abby’s expectations. Question is, can I?

Nick acknowledges that Victor didn’t have examples of a good Father or Mother. Out of sight, Nikki listens and tears up when Victor says nice things about her and then Nick ~hug~