Friday, January 28th, 2022

Sitting at the chess board, Adam balks at being a lackey. You’re cutting me off at the knees because you’ve lost faith in me. Victor repeats that he included Adam in the deal. He needs an answer soon on whether he’ll stay on and expand his power, or walk. Adam leaves without further word.

Chelsea can relate – she’s Johnny’s biological Mother. She wasn’t ready to give him what Billy and Vikki could. It’s painful. Abby’s having a hard time, Chance confides. Chelsea opines that what a parent wants isn’t what’s best for a child. That’s love.

Nate leaves soon after Vikki arrives. Hearing about the job offer, she clearly doesn’t approve. Don’t tell me you’re against bringing Nate into the company, Ashland remind that they talked about expanding AskMDNow. Yes, but Vikki’s not in the habit of offering jobs on a whim, especially to a friend.

Hiring Nate is a no-brainer to Ashland. He can’t run to Vikki for permission on everything – just as she doesn’t always consult him. She just came from giving Adam a taste of what it’d be like working for her. He’ll quit, she’s sure.

Chelsea beats Sally to Adam’s office – are you running to complain to Adam about your videos? Of course not, Sally has more important things to discuss with him. He then arrives to drop the ‘bombshell’. Suspecting that Sally already knew, Chelsea will go tell Chloe (since the fashion division clearly isn’t Sally’s priority. Sally’s left to look at Adam.

Abby’s summoned Sharon to the estate. Listing all that Chance is dealing with, she wonders if he should be in therapy. Sharon feels Chance should be here for this discussion.

Sharon feels for Abby but doesn’t feel comfortable assessing Chance’s issues third hand. Encourage him to open up to you. She’d be happy to talk to Chance but he needs to decide if he wants therapy. Abby’s disappointed.

Chance and Rey meet at Society. He’s had to make some tough decisions and is ready to come back to the force. It’s exactly what I need. It’s time to go back. Rey wonders if this has to do with the custody arrangement and that Chance might need more time to get over what happened in Spain. Chance thinks that if he manages to save a life it’ll make up for the lives he couldn’t save.

Adam tells Sally that Vikki came by to show him what it would be like working for her. He considers starting fresh, starting again. You’re better than that, Sally adds that the resources here are infinite. Adam mulls it over – I would be running a media power house. Vikki won’t be able to control you and maybe you’ll find a way to control her, Sally’s pep talk seems to be working.

Sharon and Rey are back at the coffee shop. He updates on his meeting with Chance – he’s avoiding his feelings rather than dealing with them. Sharon got a similar feeling from Abby (but can’t really talk about it) You have to be on top of your game to be a cop and Rey doesn’t think Chance is there just yet.

When Chance comes home, Abby tells him that Louise is bringing Dominic home. His talk with Rey went well and Chance appreciates Abby’s support. They’re soon welcoming Dominic (and the nanny) home. Abby holds her son tightly – we missed you.

Adam’s sarcastic – this is a glorious opportunity. What’s in it for you? Sally doesn’t have an ulterior motive, she was speaking as a friend. Vikki might be too distracted with her vast empire to notice Adam taking power. You’re good at pep talks, Adam concedes. So, will you stay? she asks. He thinks on it some more.