Thursday, March 24th, 2022

Adam can almost appreciate Ashland’s ‘masterful’ duplicity – but as a Newman, he must protect the family and business. This isn’t over and Ashland’s not giving up on Vikki. On his way out, Ashland warns Adam never to talk to him about his son again.

Chelsea tells Rey about troubles with Connor, he’s moody, disappointed that his parents didn’t get back together and wants to go back to boarding school. Rey was wise words; sometimes change feels like a solution but often it’s just a distraction.

When Adam joins her, Sally reports what she saw; Ashland couldn’t wait to get out of here. You get it, you get me, Adam’s pleased. He shocks Sally with the news that Ashland faked cancer to worm his way into Vikki’s heart and company. Hopefully, he’ll cut his losses – how will he play this?

Vikki verbalizes a thought that’s occurred to Billy. Maybe Ashland hoped to take over the company if something happened to her.

Rey gives Chelsea a pep talk about her great parenting skills. He’s a lucky kid. Chelsea’s smile fades. Did I say something wrong? Rey asks.

Sally and Adam go over the pros and cons of exposing Ashland’s lies – we need to make him leave. Nobody wants to consider Vikki’s complicity. Hopefully, Victor will realize that his precious daughter risked the company he built. No, we’re not bad for plotting; someone has to keep their eye on the ball.

Victor never trusted Ashland, he wants to hug Vikki’s pain away but Nikki’s right – she needs to work this out on her own. My people are keeping an eye on her.

Billy hates that they have to consider Ashland harming Vikki. You’re a good man despite all your flaws, she quips. You can count on me, trust me with anything, Billy reassures.

Rey sees Connor as a good and happy kid. Despite his Mom? BECAUSE of his Mom. You’re doing a great job. You’re just what I needed, Chelsea hopes to return the favour one day. No favour, Rey enjoys her company.

While Vikki’s other family is coddling her, we’ll make ourselves irreplaceable by keeping everything together. Let Newmans employees start coming to us – it all starts here and now. You’re exactly what I’ve always needed, Adam leans across to give Sally a kiss.

Nick doesn’t think it’ll be easy to get rid of Ashland – since taking the company is what he’s always been after.

Vikki thanks Billy for listening – please keep this between the two of us. Of course. He looks inside as Ashland approaches Vikki – I’ve been looking for you everywhere.