Tuesday, May 31st, 2022

Diane’s at TGP to tell the guy at the front desk that she received a courtesy text saying there was some mail here for her (instead of being forwarded to the GCAC) When Phyllis and Jack come down straightening their clothes, Diane sorts through her mail. Are you saying I planned this? Phyllis looks affronted when Jack questions the timing.

No, Phyllis didn’t plan this. No, she’s not marking her territory. You were amazing! she calls out to Jack as he leaves. Did you hear that? she asks Diane. Jack isn’t stupid, Diane’s sure he can see what Phyllis is up to. Phyllis loudly protests; she’s NOT insecure – you will NEVER, EVER have a relationship with Jack – he couldn’t get away from you fast enough. It’s not me he ran away from, Diane chuckles. Outside, Jack’s suspicions grow.

Victor thinks Adam should get over his grievances – I won’t have you tarnish Vikki’s work. Adam just wanted to remind that he had the podcast idea first. Go ahead and do a podcast out of here. Vikki will shut it down. Make it so damn profitable she can’t, Victor gets why Adam’s frustrated. But Ashland will soon leave town and Vikki will move on. Maybe Adam would be more motivated if Victor let him in on the plan.

Linda the nanny continues to stand by protectively as Ashland fusses over Harrison. Kyle arrives (with Mike) to send them off for ice cream. We’ve filed a restraining order against you, Kyle informs Ashland that he must avoid all contact with Harrison.

Victor’s plan to get Locke out of town is already in motion. Kyle’s filing a restraining order to prevent him from seeing Harrison. Without that boy, there’s no reason for Locke to stay in GC, he tells Adam.

Ashland thinks this restraining order and Mike are a joke. My lawyers will chew you up and spit you out. This is unfair to Harrison, he addresses Kyle. I don’t want you anywhere near my son, Kyle denies it’s ‘monstrous’ – YOU are.

As Jack continues to ponder outside, Diane and Phyllis continue to go at it in the lobby. Who cares if I accelerated my relationship with Jack to throw it in your face!? Phyllis is now shouting. We have a deep, connection. I WAS marking my territory! Know what? It feels good!!! Jack walks in to look at Phyllis in disbelief. Diane looks triumphant.