Wednesday, August 17th, 2022

Lily’s observed the difference between podcast Billy and corporate Billy. He gets the feeling she’s suggesting he quit the boring COO role.

Getting the same reaction from Vikki as she did Billy, Chelsea admits she wants more than just a playdate – she’d like Connor to know that Johnny’s his brother. It would be great for both boys and we both know what secrets can do to a family.

As requested, Nate lists how Lily’s approach is more inspiring than Devon’s. She told me my ideas were worth considering. Worth considering, Devon has a list of his own; all the steps needed to put on their own festivals. Control, says Nate. Experience, says Devon.

Chelsea’s sorry for going to Billy before Vikki but please consider it. Vikki will – she agrees that even well-intentioned secrets can do damage.

Lily isn’t suggesting that Billy quit but it’s interesting that’s where his mind went. He again apologizes for missing the video conference. Opening Billy’s gift she’s visibly disappointed that it’s ‘practical’ earbuds instead of jewelry.

Chance is frustrated by everyone pressuring him. Your Dad even asked what I’d do to protect you. Just about made-up, Abby’s apology is interrupted. Vikki’s come to Society to have a word with Chance. Abby pouts her way into the kitchen.

Vikki doesn’t understand how grainy footage of a smoker getting into Ashland’s car proves anything. Chance has had enough of indirect pressure and veiled Newman threats. Vikki’s sorry if Abby felt pressured and that she, in turn, pressured Chance. She knows he’s a good man who should do what’s right. However, she’s safe and Ashland got what he deserved.

Back at CL’s, Devon’s giving Dom back to Abby (and complaining about Nate) When work and family mix, things get complicated, Abby adds.

On the rooftop, Billy does the ole wolf whistle when Vikki shows up. She wishes he’d given her a heads up re: Chelsea. The urgency raises a red flag. Billy understands (and hints at his problems)

I feel your pain, Abby tells Devon that Chance is under stress closing Rey’s cases. They chuckle as they compare her tension with Chance to Devon’s with Nate.

Vikki wants to take the kids away somewhere before taking them back to school. Billy agrees that’s it a good thing to keep them shielded from the press. He’s pouring on the charm and she’s all but blushing like a schoolgirl when Chelsea appears on the rooftop to watch.

Chance is still at Society when Kevin brings him good news – they got a partial print off the steering wheel of Ashland’s car. It’s not his.

Meanwhile, Devon and Abby are still commiserating. He feels that his issues with Nate will be hard to resolve. Nate’s fighting me at every turn; could be a sign of bigger problems…… a furious Nate is drinking.

Vikki thanks Billy, she appreciates his friendship. Good night. After she leaves, Chelsea joins Billy to says she’s impressed by their friendship. I always thought you and Vikki brought out the best in each other.

It’s a rental, there’ll be dozens of prints in the car, Chance knows. Not this one, it was wiped clean, Kevin’s excited that they have evidence that supports their theory. Are you gonna take it to the DA?? Chance looks grim and trapped.