Friday, August 26th, 2022

Sally knows what happened that night and why Nick’s sick about it. She’ll never, ever tell anyone. You’ve proven you can be trusted, Nick explains that he was just protecting his sister. Sally thinks him brave Watch out for Adam – he’s out for revenge.

Chelsea knows that Adam’s wounded and lashing out; which is dangerous. Is there any way I can talk you off the ledge?

Noah and Ally announce that The Glam Club will be opening up at TGP as soon as the sale to Chancellor Winters goes through. Jack wasn’t sure Phyllis would let go of TGP. Let’s go to Society to celebrate.

Adam tells Chelsea that Ashland didn’t die in a car crash. Nick accidentally killed him to protect Vikki. Victor covered it up. Chelsea immediately draws the connection to the incident in Kansas. Knowing Victor acted to protect Adam, Chelsea believes he’d do the same for Connor.

Nick was wrong in thinking Adam had turned a corner after donating a kidney to Faith. He thinks Sally’s better off not being in a relationship with him.

Phyllis tells Talia that Diane’s ‘sperm-stealing’ is just the tip of the icebeg. Talia wants to know everything. Get comfortable, Phyllis asks where she wants to start. Blackmail? Faking her own death?

At Society, Traci reluctantly follows Jack as he makes a beeline toward Nikki and Diane. When he asks Diane if everything’s alright, she laughs as Traci and Nikki stare at him in disbelief.

Sally knows it’s for the best but admits she still has feelings for Adam. She’s lived in his shoes. Nick’s aware of her past ‘stunts’ but hopes she’s left that behind. Sally thanks him for giving her a chance – it made a difference for me. Nick wishes he could have a brother he could trust (but that’s not Adam)

Chelsea’s well aware of how Victor operates. Adam knows his Father will never apologize for anything he does – but he has the power and evidence to change that.

Noah and Ally spot the powwow inside – but vowing not to let anything spoil their amazing day, they kiss and head inside. On her way out, Nikki exchanges pleasantries with Noah and Ally. When Jack invites Diane to join them, she politely declines, grabs her takeout and returns to work. Traci’s left make her disapproval known to Jack.

Sally warned Vikki because it was in her best interests and Adam’s. Nick’s clearly becoming smitten.

Back in the park, Adam claims that he just wants to expose the truth. Victor will go after you, Chelsea warns. Think of Connor – beat Victor by being a better father. Beat Victor by letting go.

Talia can’t believe everything Diane’s done but she doesn’t want to write a story that’s already been done. Phyllis knows more than was published in Restless Style. That and whatever she was up to in LA all these years will cause her to react – and fail. The downfall of Diane Jenkins could be the story of the century.

After Ally and Noah have left, Traci predicts they’ll both have someone special in their lives. Jack’s sure that won’t be Diane. For someone you’re not ready to forgive, you sure spend a lot of time together, Traci comments.

At the house, Ally and Noah praise one another – this is so incredible. You’re incredible, Noah gives her a passionate kiss. She leads him upstairs – yes, I’m sure.

Chelsea’s stunned to hear that Adam turned down Jack’s job offer. We’re certainly a pair. Adam’s glad they’re at a place where they can support one another. They’re hugging when Sally appears in the park to get an eyeful.