Monday, September 5th, 2022

Faith’s said bye to Noah and is off to see Moses on campus. Ann Arbor isn’t far away. Sharon chokes up – it’ll be a long drive home. I’m just on the other side of the lake, Faith points out. It’s a big lake, Nick’s also emotional. All three hold hands.

Not wanting to take sides, Lily asks Elena’s opinion on how Nate’s been doing lately. She worries about the conflict with Devon. Elena reports that Nate feels that Devon doesn’t respect him or anything he brings to the table. Nate has great ideas but is impatient, Lily says – whereas Devon’s cautious and analytical. He feels that Nate’s overstepped. Elena sympathizes with Lily being in the middle. She’ll speak off the record – but you might not like what I have to say.

Imani wants to talk about Nate’s tension with Devon. Nate tells her about the idea he pitched to Lily. Imani’s proud of him. Devon shut it down, Nate thinks that’s symbolic. If it comes from me, the answer’s no. Nate’s tired of biting his tongue. Elana’s advice is to quit to save his relationship with Devon.

Victor wants Adam to change his mind. I want you in my life. I treat you the same as my other kids. I’ve had issues with them too. Why the hell are you different? Adam’s cut from a different cloth. I accept it, you should too, he tells Victor.

Elena tells Lily that she suggested Nate leave Chancellor Winters. If he’s miserable, what’s the point? How did he respond? He Refused to bail on his commitment to the family. Lily’s glad – he belongs here – he has good ideas. Elena isn’t optimistic that Nate and Devon can peacefully coexist.

Back at Society, Nate tells Imani that Elena suggested he go back to GCM. Would that satisfy you? Imani challenges him. Elena’s trying to look out for me – she worries about my happiness. Imani thinks Nate’s exactly where he needs to be. Don’t resign.

Ignoring Lily’s call, Billy tells Chelsea that every bump in the road leads to Adam. Lily leaves a message asking Billy to get in touch with her when he’s free.

Billy hopes Chelsea isn’t pinning her future on Adam. She’s still surprised that he left the podcast- A suit isn’t you. Billy made a commitment to Lily and to his Mother. And to prove it to himself. Keep looking – you’ll find the place you belong, he tells Chelsea.

Victor blathers on about family and how he’s protected Adam. Adam wants to follow in his mother’s footsteps instead of falling into the traps of being a Newman. He uunderstands why Hope didn’t tell him Victor was his Father until her last breath. Be happy about my new venture. Victor’s furious.

Updated on what Lily’s been doing, Billy offers his full support. He ran into Chelsea. That’s why I was late. Oh, Lily remarks. Oh, as in not a big deal? or oh that I spent time with her?

Faith says goodbye to Mariah and Tessa and after a Weepy group hug leaves with her parents. Mariah and Tessa continue the hug.

What’s going on in that head of yours? Imani praises Nate for going off script at the launch party. You need to do that on a bigger scale. Make a move while Devon’s out of town, she encourages. Show him who you are and what you bring to the table.

Billy tells Lily that she has nothing to be worried about. Chelsea only kissed him because she was having a bad day. No, he’s not reconsidering his decision to quit the podcast (his over-the-shoulder face says otherwise)

In the park, Chelsea tells Adam that she wants to visit her Mom in Minnesota – and take Conner with her.