Thursday, September 22nd, 2022

Back at CW, Lily wants Devon to be as excited as she is about taking the company public. He still worries about losing control of the family business he and Neil started, now made stronger by merging with Chancellor. We’d structure the IPO so we retain 51% of the shares, Lily reassures. OK, Devon’s finally onboard.

Holding hands, Nate really needs Elena’s support and love – for her to understand where he’s coming from and why. She wants to believe in him … I want to be able to support you. Nate interrupts – that’s all I need to hear. I can’t risk losing you ~kiss~

Billy tells Chelsea that he and Vikki are in agreement that it’s not the right time. Johnny’s dealing with the loss of his stepfather. It’ll be good news – he has a brother! Chelsea also figures that Johnny will soon start to ask questions. She pressures him to bring Vikki onboard.

Mariah starts her speech with humour, then sappiness. She looks forward to them raising their families together – to Summer and Kyle! All drink.

Noah’s speech praises his little sister/incredible woman and the man lucky enough to marry her. He’s happy to celebrate family and home. Cheers.

Be patient, Billy will talk to Vikki about it. No time like the present, Chelsea says as Vikki arrives. How convenient to find you both here; she doesn’t appreciate them arranging playdates behind her back. What exactly are you up to? she asks Chelsea.

Nate comes down to join Elena – assuming she also wants a late-night snack. No, Elena’s not hungry, she’s worried – and can’t get behind Nate’s plan. Annoyed that she doesn’t support his best and only option, Nate concludes that Elena shares Devon’s limited view of him. The two of you have more in common than I thought. Grabbing his keys, Nate goes out for some fresh air.

Billy doesn’t see anything wrong with getting the boys together while Vikki was out of town. We’re all trying to navigate this as best we can. Chelsea apologizes – YOU are Johnny’s Mom. Vikki has considered Chelsea’s request – it’s not a good time. Chelsea worries how Johnny will feel when he realizes his biological Mom was in his orbit – and that everyone else knew. Don’t you see the problems this could cause???

On the dancefloor, Kyle and Summer agree that nothing is more important than family – are you thinking what I’m thinking? Let’s do it. The ‘it’ is giving Phyllis and Diane another chance – their LAST chance. Both are grateful; you won’t regret it. You don’t have to worry about us anymore. But, as soon as Kyle and Summer get up, Diane and Phyllis glare at one another.

Of course Vikki wants what’s best for Johnny – she was always honest about not being his biological Mother and always planned to tell him, at some point. When/if we tell him, it’ll change everything. Johnny will be the one to decide what/if any relationship he wants with Chelsea and Connor (who can’t be told before Johnny is) Vikki also insists that Chelsea be prepared to accept and respect Johnny’s decision – even if it doesn’t go the way she hopes.

Jack asks Diane what that little tete-a-tete was about and learns that Diane and Phyllis have been re-hired. No, he didn’t have anything to do with it but was impressed that Diane resigned. I’m trying to make better choices, she claims – then is horrified by a text message she receives; ‘En route to GC. Can’t wait any longer’. Everything alright? Jack asks. Yes, just spam, Diane lies.

The plan agreed to, Vikki grabs her takeout and leaves without so much as a goodbye to Billy. But she IS watching as Chelsea throws herself into Billy’s arms repeating ‘thank you!’, Billy squirms away and immediately looks towards the exit. Vikki is Pissed.

You’re Nate Hastings – Audra Charles recognizes him from the launch party – you made quite a splash. My name’s not ringing a bell? Jill brought Audra in to help take the company public. Eager to help, Nate looks forward to a smooth and successful venture.

Drinking at his chessboard, Victor looks very pleased.

No sooner has Nick told Phyllis that he’s proud of her restraint, she notices that Diane’s distressed. Excuse me, Phyllis hurries over – and looks mighty curious about why Diane left.

Next Week; How could she mislead us on her intentions this way? Billy wonders. Vikki doesn’t find it surprising that a former con artist would lie to get what she wants… … Elena doesn’t know if she can be around this version of Nate anymore. What are you saying? We need some time apart…. Diane can’t believe who she finds in her suite. How did you get in here?!?