Friday, October 14th, 2022

Jack wishes Ashley had thrown a drink in Tucker’s face before storming out of Society. OK, you’ve made your feelings clear, Tucker assumes the conversation’s over. Nope, Jack’s just getting started.

Hey stranger, Sharon greets Nick at CL’s. After a brief mention of Faith settling into college life, Nick drops the bomb that he’s been seeing Sally.

Adam frantically backpedals – it’s scary as hell; I’m putting my heart in your hands. He’d do anything to prove himself. Withdrawing her hand from Adam’s grasp, all she wants is for him to unlock the door.

Why now? Jack asks if Tucker’s reappearance is connected to Diane’s (because that’s what the rumours say)

Sharon jokingly understands why a woman would be drawn to Nick – and why he’d be drawn to Sally. But, how much of this relationship is about Adam?

Adam can’t stand the thought of Sally being with anyone else (but especially Nick) It’s all about the competition for you, Sally’s heard enough!

Yes, Nick’s sure his feelings for Sally have nothing to do with Adam. You sure? Sharon quips – there is a pattern of the brothers dating the same women (her included) And though she suspects Nick’s more invested in this relationship than he thinks, she knows he’ll be OK either way.

After Adam unlocks the door, Sally wastes little time before escaping. I can’t do this anymore – it hurts too much. Stay away from now on, she leaves Adam calling out her name.

Did you or did no not connect with Diane in LA? Jack repeatedly asks Tucker (who ‘dances around the issue’) On cue, Diane arrives, and at Jack’s request, nervously takes a seat.

Tucker’s silent as Diane swears that Tucker dropping from a helicopter was the first time she’d seen him since her ‘death’. Is my word good enough? Jack supposes it’ll have to be. Outside, he looks suspicious. Inside, Tucker applauds Diane’s performance.

When Sally returns to the office, Chloe tells her that she and Nick figured out Adam’s scheme. He was a rock, she adds – he said you could handle this and might even need it. Chloe’s then is disappointed to hear that Sally had a real conversation with the ‘attentive’ Adam.