Wednesday, November 16th, 2022

Continuing her gentle support, Sharon leaves Chelsea to have some time alone before Adam brings Connor over.

Back in the park, Billy tells Lily that it wasn’t his story to tell. It’s extremely personal. Chelsea wanted you to know the truth. She stayed in a psychiatric facility for 72 hours and is now in the apartment above CL’s. Lily can’t hide the ‘edge’ in her voice. Noticing it, Billy asks ‘what’s wrong?’

Noah has conflicting emotions. Ally gets it – you must wonder how your life would be if Audra didn’t miscarry; if you stayed in London. Does this make you see her in a different way? Ally asks.

Enjoying themselves at Society, Sally learns that Nick went to boarding school in Switzerland but left when he was 16. Asked what he wants out of life, Nick has everything he wants; great job, kids, solid relationships with Sharon and Phyllis. But – he’s not pining away for Sharon like Adam suggested.

When Adam arrives with Connor, he’s happy when Sharon tells him that his Mom’s living upstairs. Sending Connor to buy a treat for his Mom, Adam thanks Sharon (who assures him that having this talk is the right thing)

Adam sends Chelsea a text – they’ll be up in a minute. I’m ready, Chelsea replies.

Noah still feels his relationship with Audra was toxic – it needed to end (though he ended it the wrong way) My future is here with you. Audra watches Noah and Ally kiss.

Hugging Ally, Noah locks eyes with Audra (who looks sad as she clip-clops out) Ally’s really glad they had this talk. Me too, Noah claims – but looks sad too.

Nick has everything he wants except someone to share it with. He’s not expecting anything, just being honest.

Lily does the math. 72 hours ago you found Chelsea on the roof. Yes, Billy talked her off the ledge. You haven’t just been supporting her – you saved Chelsea’s life, Lily realizes.

Connor runs into his Mom’s arms – I’ve missed you so much. I didn’t know why you were avoiding me. Adam watches as Chelsea’s tears fall into her son’s hair,