Friday, December 16th, 2022

Now in her suite for drinks, Sally doesn’t want Nick to feel obligated to take her to the ranch for Christmas. Not pushing the matter, he confides that his father had a dossier prepared on Sally’s time in LA (to try scare me off)

Chelsea doesn’t have any ulterior motives, Adam reminds Victor that he forced her to fake a mental breakdown to get her institutionalized after poisoning Rey. Victor did that for Chelsea’s sake – so she wouldn’t go to prison for trying to kill a man and blaming you for it! Adam’s just here to make a plea for his family – it’d be good for Connor to be around Johnny and all of his family. When Victor agrees that Chelsea can tag along, Adam appreciates that. Good, you should, Victor concludes.

Chloe and Chelsea have had a good time laughing and crying. Whatever you need, I’m here, Chloe offers. Chelsea will need her help with a personal and professional makeover – this time I’m gonna get it right, she vows.

Tessa didn’t think Mariah would mind sharing the good news with Sharon and Noah. Mariah doesn’t want to get everyone’s hopes up. In tears, she confesses how ready she is to adopt a baby. Sharon thanks Tessa for including her. The good news cheered her up.

Noah thinks the Christmas TV would look better over here (on the jukebox) Chloe and Chelsea come down to admire how festive the place looks. Aside, Chelsea tells Chloe that Sharon’s really been there for her. Getting a call from Adam, Chelsea OK’s Connor sleeping over at the ranch. You don’t mind being alone? No, don’t worry about me – but she looks sad as she watches Sharon and her kids engage in a lively debate about decor.

An amused Nikki tells Victor that Connor’s decorating the barn and wrapping apples as presents for the horses. Our grandson is pretty happy these days. Victor feels that Adam wants to reconnect with his family but doesn’t know how. She thinks she knows why he asked if he could bring Connor and Chelsea over for Christmas.

Needing some air, Chelsea decides to take a walk – alone. I’ll call if I need anything, she leaves Sharon and Chloe to look mildly concerned.

It must have been a pretty thick file, Sally jokes about Victor’s dossier on her. It didn’t scare you off? Hearing that Nick didn’t read it, Sally wishes he had – you deserve to know who I am and what I’m capable of. I once faked a terminal illness; something you hated Locke for doing that.

Having seen Chelsea leave CL’s, Adam’s followed her to the park (where she’s listening to Christmas carolers) Mind if I join you? he asks.

Nick doesn’t want to hear about Sally’s ‘misdeeds’. He wants to know about her first pet, celebrity crush, whether she likes sports (please say ‘yes’) He’s done bad things, so has everyone else in town. I know who you are now – that’s what Nick cares about. In that case, Sally’s first pet was a beagle, Price rocked her world and she’s excited to see where this is going ~kiss~

Adam was feeling a bit lonely without Connor; Chelsea’s the only other person who’d understand that. He invites her to spend Christmas at the ranch but understands why she might not want to. Chelsea will go – for Connor’s sake. Adam didn’t tell Victor or Nikki about her recent hospitalization and Chelsea’s to let him know if/when she wants to leave. Chelsea knows this hasn’t been easy for Adam, especially with Billy involved – is there anything you want to say about that?

Nikki relays what Vikki told her (Chelsea was in a bad place, she assumes because of Johhny’s reaction to her being his bio-Mom) Johnny and Connor are becoming closer and she knows Victor would be happy to have Adam back in the fold. He has to make the first move. Maybe spending Christmas with us is him taking the first step, Nikki, suggests.

So much for taking things slow, Sally jokes as she lays in bed with Nick. He’s decided to spend some time with his family on Christmas and then do something special with Sally, just the two of us. That sounds perfect to her.

All that matters to Adam is that Chelsea make a full recovery, if Billy can help with that, he’s supportive. When she asks how he’s handling the breakup with Sally, Adam says his focus is on his family. Arm in arm, they stand to listen to the carolers.

Placing a little baby Jesus ornament in his manger, Tessa and Mariah smile at the thought of adding a baby to their family. In the background, Sharon and Chloe are decorating Noah with tinsel … Victor and Nikki sway in one another’s arms and kiss in front of the Christmas tree.