Friday, December 16th, 2022

Sally and Nick take things slowly – in bed… Chelsea reconnects with Chloe and Adam (who’s made plans for them to join the Newman family for Christmas) … Still hoping to adopt a baby, Mariah and Tessa tell Sharon that they’re in talks with another pregnant woman.

Oh good, Mariah’s found Sharon’s box of ‘corny’ ornaments. Ohh my favourite, she pulls out a TV/snow globe. Apparently, Nick gave her the ‘eyesore’ many years ago.

Chloe arrives at Chelsea’s apartment with a tray of Esters’ famous Kringle. Shouldn’t you be at home? No, Chloe really needs a break from the kids.

Wow, look at you, Nick admires Sally when she arrives at the Glam Club in a sparkly red dress. Noah clearly doesn’t share his Dad’s enthusiasm.

Hello, son. For some reason Victor’s surprised to see Adam (who’s there to pick Connor up after decorating the Christmas tree) You wanted nothing to do with your family, Victor wonders what changed.

Back at CL’s, Tessa disapproves of the star Mariah’s put atop the tree – it doesn’t even light up. Both are sure Noah will cast his decisive vote her way. They can’t call Faith for her opinion because it’s 3 am in Switzerland (where she’s spending the holidays with her roommate’s family)

After Noah serves them the club’s special seasonal drink, Nick’s impressed that Sally was able to get a half-smile out of him. You have an aura of happiness, he adds. Sally’s in a good place; personally and professionally. Going slow is working well for both of them.

Yes, Adam and Connor can celebrate Christmas at the ranch; Victor loves the idea that they’ll both be there. But when Adam asks if Chelsea can come too, Victor asks whether it was Connor’s idea or Chelsea’s.

After some catching up and laughter, Chelsea tells Chloe that she’s made amends to Billy, Adam, Vikki and Sharon. Now it’s your turn.

Back at the Glam Club, Nick would like to include Sally in his Christmas plans. She invites him back to her suite to discuss it.

My son deserves to be with the people he loves without bouncing between locations, Adam states. Concerned that Chelsea might be using Christmas to get closer to Johnny, Victor doesn’t mince words – I don’t want her here.

We’re BFF’s – if anyone needs to make amends, Chloe figures it’s her (for running away to Paris with Connor and blowing up a cabin with Adam in it) Chelsea blamed Chloe for everything that went wrong and ignored her good advice. I was spinning; pushing you away for being honest. Both are near tears as they agree to let go of the past and focus on their successful future ~hug~

Noah arrives at CL’s to admire the festive decor. The tree topper? he likes it – subtle. When an enthusiastic Tessa blurts out that they’re meeting with a pregnant woman in the new year to discuss the possibility of adopting, Mariah clearly didn’t want or expect that news to be shared.