Tuesday, January 10th, 2023

If you have questions about Connor, come to ME, Adam orders. Chelsea’s off-limits. Are you truly alright? Victor ignores Adam – Chelsea can come to him anytime. He and Nikki love Connor. If you need us, call. After he leaves, Chelsea’s surprised to say that Victor helped her see things more clearly.

Billy wishes he was as strong as Lily. You are, she gives him a hug. That’s probably Jill, she pulls away – she won’t tell her about the break up; we have enough to deal with. Agreeing, Billy leaves her to answer Jill’s call. Sorry – I misunderstood you. Wait – he did WHAT!?

At Society Victor and Nikki wonder what’s ‘afoot’ with Chelsea. Vikki said that Chelsea’s in a bad place but didn’t elaborate – and she and Adam were so attentive to Chelsea on Christmas Day. Something’s going on and we need to find out what it is – we know what she’s capable of. Victor’s worried about Johnny.

Victor could tell that something’s going on with me; he actually seemed concerned – should I tell him what happened? Chelsea asks (no) Thanks to Dr Malone, Chelsea’s beginning to understand what lead her to the rooftop that night – thinking everyone would be better off, not the pain her death would cause. That was one terrible moment, Adam suggests they go out for dinner. No, Chelsea would rather just be alone for a while. OK, Adam’s just a text away – take care.

Stay in the house, Chance doesn’t want Dom uprooted. Is that it? he turns to head inside. Abby’s indignant that he could think she’d jump into another relationship when the ink’s barely dry on their divorce papers? Chance doesn’t know her at all – IF him walking in on her and Devon was a mistake, you wouldn’t be spending EVERY WAKING HOUR with the guy who ruined our marriage!!!!! After Abby clip clops out quickly, Chance meets Sharon’s eyes.

Lily stomps into the penthouse to shout – You’re disssolving our partnership and threatening to go public about the IPO if you don’t get your way? She accuses Devon of stabbing his sister in the back.

Chance is sorry Sharon had to witness his outburst. No worries, it’s not healthy to bottle it all up – you’re entitled. That was just the tip of Chance’s anger – he can’t shake the feeling of failure.

Over food, Victor tells Nikki that Adam showed up at Chelsea’s to accuse him of all sorts of nafareous things. Speak of the devil – hello Adam. Stop trying to control my family, he orders – we’ll never live under your thumb!

Devon’s not asking Lily to give up anything. He just wants his company back, to run it the way he wants to. He won’t continue to make the mistake of not trusting his gut. He doesn’t want to ‘burn’ Lily. We were a team, working together to honour our Father. You’re trying to sabotage the company – how are you any different than Nate!?

How is it different? Devon hasn’t been plotting to take the company away from Lily. He’s not protecting the company from Lily, he’s protecting it from shareholders or a takeover. Do you believe what you’re saying? Lily’s furious – you sound exactly like Victor Newman and nothing like Neil Winters, she slams out.

Sharon doesn’t think Chance should blame himself for his marriage ending – you didn’t cheat. No, but he went away on assignment and threw himself into work when he got back. Who the hell am I? he wonders.

Devon’s so happy to see Abby’s face. Are you OK? He always wants her to come to him – for anything, anytime ~hug~

Chelsea finds a morose Billy sitting on the floor outside her door.

You always come crawling back when you need me, Victor promises ‘that time will be soon’. Adam’s shocked that Nikki can find enough oxygen to breathe (around Victor) I’ve had enough, he marches out. This is what he does, Nikki thinks Victor should let it roll off his back. No, Adam needs a wake-up call. That boy’s getting out of line and Victor’s had it.