Monday, April 17th, 2023

In a visiting room, Diane’s understandably upset; she’s overdressed and hoping they’ll realize a mistake’s been made. Sorry to say but Jack thinks they need to accept some hard truths.

At the house, Summer tells Kyle that she crawled into bed beside Harrison and fell asleep. Kyle spent the night online – looking for lawyers. Summer thinks it a bit ‘perverse’ to ask Mike to defend Diane in her Mom’s murder trial. When Noah comes down (with Ally) she runs into his arms.

At CL’s, Chance lists the evidence for Chris as requested. He’s linked Diane to the purchase of the poison found in Phyllis’ blood. Witnesses heard her threaten Phyllis and there’s their history. Both doubt Diane will be granted bail and aren’t sure who’ll be representing her at the arraignment.

Nikki stops by Mike’s table at Society to praise him for refusing to rush to Diane’s rescue. And, if GC’s best attorney thinks her guilty no other lawyers will touch her with a ten-foot pole, she crows with delight – until she’s informed that Mike got a call from Jack last night. You can’t defend the woman who killed one of your best friends! she whelps.

Noah and Ally flew back from London as soon as they heard the news. Updated by Summer, Ally has doubts about Diane being a murderer – she’s so happy here. When Kyle agrees, Summer scowls at him – under the right circumstances anyone’s capable of murder.

Jack wishes he could just whisk Diane out of this place. She knows that given her history, she won’t get bail and that Mike won’t represent her (he and Lauren loved Phyllis) I don’t have a chance in hell!

Back at Society, Mike doesn’t appreciate Nikki telling him what he can and can’t do. Things are getting heated when Victor appears – pray tell, what’s going on?

Sure that Stark killed Phyllis, Kyle’s sure glad Summer’s not judge and jury. No, but she IS a witness to Diane threatening to kill her Mom. When Ally’s attempt to empathize doesn’t go well, Noah suggests he and Summer go out for a bit. When Kyle adds that he’s waiting to hear if Mike’s taking his Mom’s case, Summer snarls ‘get me out of here – NOW’. Kyle’s left to mope to Ally about the two women he loves being unable to coexist.

In tears, Diane seems to have accepted defeat. Jeremy’s getting the last laugh. Jack will NOT let her pay for a crime she didn’t commit. I’m working to get you back home. See you at the arraignment.

Chris and Chance explore another theory; Jeremy killing Phyllis. Neither believes she married him for protection. Maybe it was revenge for Diane and Jack framing Jeremy – he got payback and a payout (Phyllis’ money) Two birds, one stone.