Tuesday, December 5th, 2023

On her way out, Nikki takes the shot glass out of her purse and drops it in the trash.

Yes, if any of us tried to pull what Nate did, we’d e fired on the spot. It was a power play, Nick’s sure. You dodged a bullet. He leaves when Devon arrives to report that Victor feels the same way Nick does.

If Audra’s business venture includes Tucker, Nate’s not interested. Tucker likes his ‘edge’. If you come to your senses you know where to find me. Nate calls Audra – we need to talk about your offer – NOW

In his Dad’s office, Nick’s not sure it’s a good idea for Vikki and Cole to visit the woman who tried to kill them. Nick wants to know about Eve Howard. She tried to kill me too – with poison She escaped from a loony bin and showed up at his wedding to Nikki. We have to find Jordan. And we have to stick together, Victor adds.

Lily thinks there must be validity to Nate’s argument. He always put his patients first. He’s not a doctor anymore – he’s lost his damn mind, Devon also reminds that they’re dealing with Tucker – do we want to invite another threat in?

Nate barges into Audra’s suite. Why didn’t you tell me he was here? Nate scowls at Tucker. You hung up before I could, Audra asks Tucker for some privacy. I like him – he’s got potential, Tucker leaves Nate to ask what the hell Audra’s cooking up with Tucker.

At the club for lunch, Nikki talks a bit about her meeting. It brought up feelings she’s not used to. She worries her disease has returned. No, Victor doesn’t know what it’s like, but he’ll be there every step of the way. You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever known.

Nikki will try to live up to the faith Victor has in her. She ignores her ringing phone then tells Victor that she’s had two weird calls. It’s music. Da da da da-ing a few bars, Nikki’s rendition isn’t familiar to Victor. It’s a clue, she agrees. Someone is tormenting me. Victor has an idea.

Lily and Devon have decided to turn Nate down, even though Maime will be disappointed. Ester brings some cookies out and also nudges them to hire Nate. Maybe we’re the only ones who can save him from himself.

Nate wants details on Audra’s new venture. She and Tucker are planning a hostile takeover. It’s personal, Tucker doesn’t want to run the company. Odd, Nate didn’t get that impression. It’s Chancellor Winters, he guesses. No? Then if must be Jabot. Nate balks at screwing over the Abbotts. What are they to you? It’s not like you have other options. Getting a ‘can we meet’ text from Devon, Nate just might.

Escorting Nate onto the patio, Ester leaves him to talk to Lily and Devon. Nate hopes they’re ready to discuss his proposal. They’ve made a decision. Lily thinks he should sit down.

At Society, Nick leaves a message for Vikki – He knows they need the truth about Claire but Jordan’s still out there – these women are dangerous. Be careful – call me. There seems to be someone watching him from afar.

Victor’s brought Nikki down to the jazz lounge. When she hums a bit of the tune, the pianist does indeed recognize the tune for the swing era. It’s Kittie’s Bounce. As the pianist continues to play it, Nikki recognizes the song she used to dance (strip) to. Please stop, she asks him. This is like Eve all over again. Victor’s so sorry ~hug~

Jordan returns to her seedy motel room and takes her hat and sunglasses off. She looks pleased with herself.