Thursday, December 7th

It’s time you and I have the talk, Daniel sits his Dad down. How did you and Chris get to secret sauce level? Danny’s been a friend to Chris while she struggles with her split with Paul. OK, we’ve kissed, Danny thinks their relationship is moving in a good direction. He appreciates Daniel lending him his kitchen.

Phyllis mopes in the jazz lounge – sending Summer a whiney text that she’s sitting there all alone. Summer can’t join her – she’s burning the midnight oil. She then asks Daniel to join her for a drink. Mike appears – buy you a drink, gorgeous?

Maybe Ashley’s changed her mind on selling the company to Tucker. He wants to turn it onto gold.

Jill’s appalled to hear the dirt on they have on Tucker. She’s so proud of Billy for coming up with this plan. Do we call the press? Jack will run it by Ashley – she owns have the company they want to take down. Leave Tucker to me, Jill will have some fun.

When Phyllis was dead, Mike would have given his left foot to talk to her. And now, here she is but won’t talk to him. You abandoned me, Phyllis sulks. Mike was in Singapore bailing Gloria out. Forgive me. Phyllis tears up – Mike is the only one who gets her. Talk to me – what’s going on? he asks.

Jill and Billy air out their differences. She’s sure she can gain Tucker’s trust. She’s been playing the game longer than he has. Jack has grievances too – trying to poach Billy from Jabot. She didn’t want a sidekick – she wanted to build something with her son. Jack can relate with wanting to work with family.

Ashley won’t sell Tucker her half of the company. Then, he’ll just have to fight her for it.

Phyllis hates being shunned and shamed – seen as a ticking time bomb ready to go off. You actually want to be better, Mike applauds her – you’ve grown up, he laughs. This is my karma, Phyllis hates karma. Why do Chris and Diane get forgiveness and happiness and love. Why can’t I have nice things too? Someone who believes in me, supports and trusts me – and loves me, Phyllis feels she deserves that.

It smells so good in here, Chris arrives to find the table set for a romantic dinner. No, Daniel’s not joining them – he has a thing. Save me some leftovers, he leaves. Danny comes out in a apron.

Ashley arrives to ask what plan they want to discuss with her – assuming it has to do with the company she owns with Tucker,

Making Phyllis drink some water, Mike tells Phyllis that she won’t achieve enlightenment by feeling sorry for herself or hating happiness of others. Your path is YOUR path. Do good and put love into people’s lives – that will be rewarded. Do something with your second chance. Phyllis will work on it. They clink glasses.

Danny and Chris have an in depth conversation about his sauce; using it as a metaphor for their relationship. The same but better. Danny puts a song on his phone with lyrics that lead to a dance, then a kiss.

I’ve made you a rich woman, Tucker barks at whoever that is. Find a way to make this happen or I will! he orders.

Jack wants Ashley to sell her share of the company to Tucker. They (including Jill) have a plan to shut him down once and for all.

Next Week; Sally asks – do you really think we can hit the reset button. Adam wants to try …..Abby asks Devon if he feels that rehiring his cousin was a mistake …. Vikki and Cole wants to hire Mike to represent Claire. You want ME to defend her. Jordan talks to a framed photo of Eve.The Newmans will soon get what they deserve – every last one of them.