Wednesday, March 22nd, 2023

Just like the Oscars, Victor and Nikki pose for the cameras on the red carpet and answer a few questions. Inside the GCAC, Nikki has a few things to attend to before the guests arrive. Victor will work on his speech. This night will be memorable – everyone will set... Read more

Tuesday, March 21st

Back from their break and with communication unproductive, the arbitrator expects no further interruptions. Is there more evidence either side would like to present? Yes. I found a big, fat diamond ring in Diane’s purse – I was right all along; that was her goal. She got Jack to propose!... Read more

Monday, March 20th, 2023

At the ranch, Jill’s concerned about the time; she’s running late for the arbitration. Victor smirks – my timing is perfect. Audra pauses outside the office to watch. It seems Vikki and Nate are discussing more that the quarterly budget. No one knows more about the ins and outs of... Read more

Friday, March 17th, 2023

Traci’s surprised that Jack’s at the house (and back so soon) Hearing that he and Diane are engaged, she’s delighted. You deserve happiness. Jack appreciates her support (knowing he won’t get it elsewhere) Phyllis is alarmed when Jeremy shouts out her name across TGP lobby. I just made a big... Read more

Tuesday, March 14th, 2023

In her suite, Vikki pours herself a drink and sends Nate a text – room 407. He flashes back to reassuring (lying to) Elena – then kissing Vikki. Finishing his drink, he heads to the elevator – and runs into a scowling Nick. At Society, Tucker finally accepts Adam’s offer... Read more

Monday, March 13th, 2023

‘Wow’, says Summer. Kyle does not take the news of his parents engagement well. He finds the timing ‘weird’. Is this because of the threat of Jeremy Stark? Outside Society, Phyllis is on the phone with ‘Mr Stark’. The next phase of their plan (getting personal items belonging to Diane)... Read more

Friday, March 10th, 2023

When Vikki drops by Newman Media, Audra pours it on thick. Nate’s with Elena for some couples’ time; what a lucky woman she is. Meeting Elena at TGP, Nate’s sorry he’s late. His ‘exhilarating’ meeting with Vikki went long. The synergy between us is unreal. Of course we have more... Read more

Wednesday, March 8th, 2023

Running into Summer at CL’s, Chelsea updates that she’s doing well after a brief dark period. Politely declining the offer to come work at Marchetti, she’s working on something new (which she’s also vague about) Billy joins Ashley at Society to ask why she came back from Paris so soon... Read more