Wednesday, May 8th, 2024

Claire doesn’t want her Mom to hold back for her sake. Vikki’s ‘drive and ambition’ is focused on knowing Claire. She feels strong and optimistic about her future – and wants her Mom to get back to her normal life. Vikki’s never felt better than she does right now.

Diane complains about Kyle second guessing her work at Jabot – now at home? Jack arrives knowing he walked in on an argument about him.

Victor takes a seat to watch Jordan through the bars – how many more bottles do I need to bring down before you die? You’re poison.

When Diane asks to speak to Jack in private, Kyle makes a point of telling his Dad that he did the right thing. Jack wishes Diane hadn’t told him. She can’t be expected to keep the secret that Jack almost killed himself.

Summer hates that Kyle was willing to let Claire see Harrison until she ‘put her foot down’. The thought of Claire being near her son makes her sick.

Cole joins Vikki and Claire to repeat the conversation. Why is their daughter trying to ditch them? They were terrified they wouldn’t see her again – get used to us hovering. Claire!! Harrison runs over to hug her.

Phyllis empathizes with Summer but thinks she’s being a tad overprotective. If the Newmans trust Claire, Summer should give her a second chance too. That said, NO WAY does Phyllis agrees with Kyle that Claire should be Harrison’s new nanny.

As Harrison and Claire go to feed the ducks, the grown ups chat. Summer worries that Claire will remind Harrison of the trauma they went through – but it seems to be the opposite. Vikki thinks it’d be great if Claire was Harrison’s nanny.

Let me out of here, I can’t take it anymore! Jordan hurls a boot through the bars. Victor smirks as it sends his chess pieces scattering.

Kyle explains that Summer needs more time to get over her fear. She has to be onboard with whoever they hire as Harrison’s nanny. Cole leaves Vikki to offer to put Summer’s mind at ease. This is something Summer has to get past on her own and he’s not sure she ever will. Phyllis and Summer arrive in time to see Claire and Harrison come back from feeding the ducks.

Diane shouts at Jack – she’s done biting her tongue when it comes to him helping Nikki. You risked everything we’ve worked to achieve. Jack had things under control. Until you didn’t. Diane now questions everything. What you did was a betrayal. She needs some time and distance away from Jack.

Go ahead – gloat, Jordan wonders why Victor hasn’t killed her. Let me out of here and put me in an actual prison. Victor has an idea.