Thursday, May 28th

Ola. Speak English? My name is Jack Abbott – I own Jabot Cosmetics (he’s again tied up) Yes, lipstick. The two men laugh at Jack’s story.  They know ‘Marco’ has money – their money – and we want it back.

Things tense at the lab, Abby can’t do this anymore – she knows her Mom has feelings for Ben . *awkward*

You might be worth more dead than alive (Jack gets a few weak slaps across the face) Lipstick money, the smuggler laughs – then leaves Jack shouting who he really is!!

Pissed that Ben blabbed, Ashley asks to speak to him alone. Picking up some medication she dropped, Ben notes they’re serious. Stop looking for trouble, Ashley marches out.

Adam has no worries about Ashley being ‘territorial’ – and Yack is going to protect Chelsea from her and Billy. He understands me more that Victor ever has. You sound just like Adam notes.

Yack joins Victor at the club – I know who Gabe Bingham really is.

Next: You think Avery’s the reason I haven’t moved in? Is she? Sharon asks Dylan …. Victor asks Sage about Gabe – was he close to his Father? … Marco – it’s you! a dark haired woman kisses Jack.

Sorry – No time for thoughts of spellcheck.  I (and Lyndsay) are busy working on the new site and hope to make the switch the first week of June! (you may have noticed the banners have been updated. So there’s that)