Wednesday, July 29th

** I watched from this point**

As Collin watches, sexy girls maul the lightheaded Devon. A blonde clinks glasses with Collin, who toasts to living well – the best revenge. Devon’s almost passed out as an Asian girl purrs all over him.

Meanwhile, Neil’s in Hilary’s suite. Yes, he heard the wedding’s next week – so wanted to let her know that he’s letting go – letting Hilary go. But no – he won’t be at the wedding; that’d be awkward for all of us. That’s the last thing Neil wants.

Coming through the revolving door, Mike says what happened at the casino should tell Cane that he still loves Lily – don’t throw it all away. As Cane heads upstairs, Lauren comes by wearing a wedding veil (she’s helping Hilary with dresses) Mike’s reminded of the best day of his life. Lauren too. Oh, and she’s ready to try forgive Mike (who’s left smiling)

At Underground, Marisa thanks Noah for making her feel so welcome – she’s never had that ~hug~ Harding marches in (with Kevin and Mariah) You must be Marisa. He knows she’s connected to Marco – who’s connected to some murders. Noah riddles off the short story – that’s all there is to it. Harding however has a lot of questions.

Kevin tells Noah that for once he made the right decision (involving the cops) Harding reappears to say Marisa’s cooperating (and worried Marco may come back to town) Don’t do anything stupid, Harding leaves Noah and Marisa both relieved that the police are looking for Marco – before he finds us. On his way out, Harding tells Kevin that he doesn’t believe Marisa – keep an eye on her.

On the rooftop, Lily confides to Joe that she’s not sure Cane will forgive her. Move on – you’re a strong, smart, beautiful woman, he says. Cane appears in the background as they kiss. You shouldn’t have done that (looks like Lily spotted Cane)

Collin looks smug as he records the girl leading a drunken Devon off to a bed.

When Lauren returns to her suite, Hilary’s happy to relay Neil’s visit. She’s relieved that she can have the wedding of her dreams.

Downstairs, Neil tells Nikki that he went to see Hilary – to tell her that he’s ready for closure. Neil must move on. Giving him a hug, Nikki leaves Neil to get Collin’s video clip sent to his phone.

Next: Jack alarms Phyllis – Can we just not talk about St Barts? I’d rather talk about just about anything else…. Lily at his side, Neil confronts Cane; You, don’t you dare talk to my daughter this way…. Are you telling me I cheated on Hilary? Collin nods/smirks at Devon.