Tuesday, August 30th

Devon updates the Ashby’s that meddling helped – Neil’s visiting his Mother.

Outside room 203, Neil hesitates then enters as a figure tosses and turns in bed. It’s me, Neil – your son.

Coming back downstairs, Chloe thanks Kevin. He wants to stay the night to see if there’s any news on Chelsea and Connor. Kevin will get his own blankets for the sofa. Giving him a quick peck, Chloe leaves Kevin looking smitten.

Sharon understands Kevin feeling responsible for Chloe and Bella (as she does Dylan and Sully) Off to bed, Mariah warns Sharon that Dylan’s in for a long night. Dylan tells Paul that he missed something earlier – Chelsea’s getaway car.

Adam must take Connor to the hospital – bu the won’t be caught and arrested; he’s turning himself in.

Next: You never wanted to be part of my life so why did you bother keeping up with it? Neil asks the old lady in the bed … Chris (with Paul) is here on behalf of the citizens of the city – to offer Victor a deal…. Much to his surprise (and still at the cabin) Adam’s hit by some sort of dart gun.

My Thoughts: Back to the opening (the best part of the show) why can’t there ever be another scene like that? Why can’t the entire cast gather for one of the extravagant events we all miss so much? Sure, scale them down – but now they’ve been scaled down to nothing; no 4th of July pool parties, no masquerade balls, no huge weddings or Christmas gatherings … I’d also forgotten that the actress who played Hilary was very pregnant when she married Devon … Back to today *yawn* Neil will inevitably learn that there’s more to his Mother’s story than he thought. He will forgive her just in time to see her out. And during all this talk of family, there will be no mention of Malcolm or Moses. Neil will most likely hit the bottle (which should be a bit more interesting) … Ohhhh – Connor has a fever. Better go clog up the emergency ward without so much as taking his temperature or trying home remedies like a cool, damp cloth or a bath and some fluids. Never mind simply calling Victor and asking him to send over some Children’s Tylenol (not a sponsor of this site – or the show apparently) … Back to the opening – was that Dru on Neil’s arm? If so, it must be a dig at the actress who’s trial date is set for April 17th 2017 (she’s suing Sony/CBS for speaking out about lack of diversity) Ms Rowell is currently directing a movie in Jamaica with a familiar sounding title; The Rich and the Ruthless (on which she was reunited with Brenda Epperson; former Ashley Abbott) And there’s your trivia for the day.