Wednesday, September 14th

Dylan recites the date into the recorder. I, Victor Newman, confess to loving my son and wanting the best for him – Dylan McAvoy can be accused of the same. Your actions resulted in the death of your son, Dylan accuses. Be careful, Victor repeats. What if your little boy disappeared one day and you were accused? Paul arrives – what’s going on? Your boy’s trying to coerce a confession out of me. Arrest me or I’m leaving. Paul apologizes – you’re free to go. You’re playing a dangerous game, Victor says in parting. That leaves Dylan and Paul pissed at each other.

You had no reason to believe the man in your bed wasn’t your husband, the therapist reasons. Phyllis saw signs and ignored them – didn’t ask the right questions. The therapist says that was out of her control – the misplaced guilt she’s carried has worked it’s way to the surface. My affair was ‘acting out’? Phyllis isn’t innocent. I lied – I’m not a victim – stop making excuses for me – just tell me what to do dammit!

Billy spots Jack. Hey brother, I’d like to introduce you to ….. You don’t remember my name? the model buttons her shirt and leaves. Billy gripes – they used to leave their number – musta lost my touch. You’re drunk – and Jack can see Billy doesn’t care about his job (risking it with a half dressed bimbo) Careful, that half dressed bimbo could be the love of my life, Billy says. Funny, I heard Phyllis was, Jack stuns him.

The investigation is CLOSED – Paul warns that Dylan’s opening the department up to a lawsuit. Yeah, well if Paul hadn’t suspended Dylan maybe he could have got to Adam in time. Paul understands that Dylan feels guilty – you’re too emotional – take a step back. Dylan sees Victor coming to check up on them as proof he’s guilty. I won’t stop now.

Nikki welcomes Victor home – where’ve you been? He paid her son a visit at the station. Don’t antagonize him, Nikki then shares that Paul dropped by. He’s concerned that Dylan doesn’t want to drop the case too and thinks I need protection. From what? You. Nikki doesn’t want to have to choose between her son and her husband. Victor won’t allow that and doesn’t appreciate Dylan putting Nikki in that position.

The therapist says that Phyllis must make the best decision for herself. She doesn’t like her choices. I tell Jack the truth and lose him. Or Billy and I continue to live a lie.

Wow. Billy’s silence tells Jack that there’s truth to this theory. Ashley’s blowing it out of proportion – what did she tell you? Billy asks. This isn’t about her – it’s about you and me – man to man; eye to eye. Tell me the truth. You really want to hear it? Billy asks. Are you in love with my wife? Jack pounces when Billy answers ‘yes, I am’

Get up! Jack shouts as Billy slowly does so. Maybe you want to know if she loves me? She doesn’t – she loves YOU. I was never even in the race. Go be the man Phyllis needs you to be or keep hitting me. Your call. Do whatever you want to do. Without further word, Jack walks out.

Paul makes himself clear – from this moment on, Dylan’s to leave Victor alone (unless it’s too apologize) Dylan won’t grovel at Victor’s feet – he’s guilty and he’s going down.

Nikki knew the risks and has no regret about lying for Victor (who turns on the grief over Adam) Nikki’s there for Victor – that’ll never change. She’ll find a way to make things better. You will? Victor sounds about 7 years old.

Billy grunts and groans as he ambles about the office – pouring more tequila then throwing the glass and storming out. Finding Ashley in the office upstairs, he asks where Phyllis is. That’s appropriate? What happened? she asks. I confided in you and you told Jack. Congratulations – you just ripped this family apart! he rants.

The therapist can’t make decisions for Phyllis. All you’ve done is make things worse, she snarls ‘thanks’ then marches out. Jack’s in his car, watching her leave and walk to her car.

Dylan’s at his whiteboard when Nikki comes to remind that Victor’s grieving over his son. He’s responsible and Dylan knows his Mom’s lying and won’t let her be another victim. Nikki’s not being manipulated, her judgment’s not impaired. She loves Dylan and knows he wants to see justice done – but – pursue and if you arrest Victor, you’ll have to arrest me too.

Victor’s sitting with a man at the club. He needs a problem taken care of – regarding my wife’s son.