Wednesday, August 9th

Nick’s summoned Dean to Underground to let him go – he wants to take more personal control of his finances. Dean knows he’s disappointed the bids weren’t accepted. It has nothing to do with that – Nick needs the independence of a firm that doesn’t handle everything Newman. It’s nothing personal.

What happens after a couple is coupled? Victor asks. They get date suggestions, links to movies and concerts etc. Abby and Zack explain that revenue is generated through advertising, referrals and subscriptions. They earn a commission on trips, excursions etc. booked through the app. Victor sounds typically old fashioned on purpose – to prep Abby for questions the press will ask. This sounds like a winner. Sending Abby ahead, Victor takes Zack aside to warn that he’s very protective of her.

Vikki’s at Chelsea’s to pick a dress – she doesn’t like to go to Fenmore’s because it’s part of Jabot. The rivalry is Jack’s doing, she adds. Nervous about her date tonight, Vikki needs to step out of her comfort zone. Her confidence took a hit after Billy. As Vikki goes upstairs to try on a sexy dress, Nick arrives. He wonders how Vikki will react when hearing he moved his money out of the family bank. Why do that? Chelsea asks. Freedom baby, Nick flashes his dimples.

Still in the motel room, a cop takes Sharon’s description of the pimp’s car. After Chris dismisses the officer, she tells Sharon that Crystal might not be involved in a sex ring – it might be local prostitution. Let’s focus on the evidence we have and not get ahead of ourselves.

At Jabot, Abby boasts about Victor being proud of her – and credits her Mom’s encouragement with going ahead with the incubator project. Ashley can’t do dinner tomorrow – she’s going to the Abbott cabin with Ravi, for rest and relaxation. Abby’s delighted. When Zack and Ravi join the ladies, Ashley suggests they go to Underground. You’re so hip these days – what’s changed? Abby bubbles (as Ravi almost blushes)

Perfect! Chelsea declares Vikki (in a short, sexy dress) When his sister disapproves of him moving his investments, Nick just wants to be his own man. Her hearing going fuzzy, Vikki hurries out thanking Chelsea for the dress. Chelsea tells Nick that it’s good to see Vikki going out to have some fun.

Returning to Sharon’s, Scott suspects that she felt a connection to Crystal because of her own sexual assault. Yes, Sharon did get through it – but not completely. Who does? Paul and Chris will do everything they can, Scott reassures. Mariah and Tessa appear to ask what’s wrong. The girl who called into the crisis line is in terrible trouble, Sharon informs. What girl? Tessa asks.

Enjoying dinner on the rooftop, Jack updates Nikki that he’s given his Mother a project at Jabot; Ashley’s idea. It could be best for everyone. Nikki then tells Jack about Vikki’s date with a guy he may have heard of; Benjamin Hawkman.

You look dazzling, Benjamin arrives at Underground to compliment Vikki – who’s up for some fun tonight (but denies she’s been drinking) Are you sure you haven’t had anything? You seem …. up. When Ben asks for a tour of BnS, Vikki doesn’t want to talk shop – or hear about his bitter custody battle. Let’s dance. Abby’s horrified to arrive and get an eyeful of Vikki shimmying on the dance-floor with Ben.

Tessa thinks Sharon was really brave to help that girl. Seeing Scott typing notes into his phone, Mariah objects to him using this girl’s story to sell ads. The exposure can help, Sharon insists – it’s going on all around us – someone needs to shine a light on this abuse, don’t you agree? Yes, Tessa stammers and excuses herself to check her phone (which she drops when hearing the girl’s name is Crystal) Yeah, I’m OK, just clumsy.