Wednesday, December 13th

Hilary updates Jack that she just got a call from Mariah; Nick’s staging a rally at Chancellor Park. Good for him, Jack will be there in spirit. Appreciating Jack’s support, friendship and admiring him for caring for his Mother, a grateful Hilary accepts his invitation to join the Abbott’s for Christmas.

Scott again busy on his phone, Sharon can see he won’t make time to talk today. Scott’s sorry – he’ll put his phone in his pocket. You deserve honesty. Yes, he’s ready to have this conversation. But not here, come on – Scott leads Sharon out.

Jack arrives at the CL’s patio to chat with Nikki. Updating briefly on Dina, he can tell that something’s bothering Nikki. Concerned, Jack takes Nikki’s hand – please don’t lie to me.

When Chelsea arrives at the park, Nick tells her how great the rally went. Yes, she was a bit worried (because Victor’s involved) We don’t have to worry about him, Nick assures (Chelsea doesn’t look convinced) She’s proud of Nick’s determination to save the park ~kiss~

Back on the patio, Nikki assures Jack that they’re still (and will always be) friends. She admits that she did something impulsively to try beat Victor at his own game; a mistake that might backfire on her. She can’t tell Jack for his own good. Get ahead of this thing, Jack advises (from experience)

Mariah’s brought Faith to the club to ask what’s bothering her. It’s nothing, Faith claims that she just needs to get used to having Scott around. Mariah’s not buying it. Faith then confesses that she snuck off skating with her friends after her Mom said she couldn’t go.

Now home, Scott says he was ‘moved’ when Sharon said ‘I love you’. He didn’t expect it until things got more serious. We live together, Sharon doesn’t understand why Scott would move in if those words would send him into a tailspin. Didn’t you know you were setting me up to be hurt?

At the club’s bar, Devon casually asks Hilary what her plans are for the holidays – maybe she can come by for a drink and a bite to eat. Mildly surprised and disappointed to hear that she’ll be with the Abbott’s, Devon gives her one last lingering look and ambles off.

Faith finally tells Mariah that she saw Scott kiss Abby – really kiss her.

Scott reassures a weepy Sharon that she’s the one he wants. You opened up your heart to me as no one has, or will. Scott wants to do the same. I love you, fully, truly, forever, he gives her a kiss.

An anxious Nikki accosts Vikki as she gets off the elevator. In Victor’s office, Nikki asks Vikki if she’s heard anything about the audit. No, why? Well… um… Nikki has a confession to make. I stole from your Father. I moved funds from his personal account to an offshore account. Vikki’s now worried too. JT won’t back down. Both know Nikki could go to prison.

Next: Billy and JT share a tense reunion…. Vikki plots to help Nikki …. Mariah warns Sharon about Scott (this is the blurb on my TV guide. It seems the show has replaced the preview with ‘previous’ scenes)