Wednesday, May 27th

Dylan feels cheated – and angry. He should blame the disease … Nikki’s sorry – she was so stressed. Stop acting like I’m not here. Victor thinks it time to go – we know what we have to do now. I’m right here, Nikki chirps – I get it. I’ll do anything you want. Stop ignoring me. Nikki’s alone by the time her body’s wheeled out.

That can’t be a memory. Why wouldn’t they talk to me? It’s like I wasn’t there? Keep searching for the answer, Angel prods – do you remember anything else?

All are gathered at the cemetery. Neil speaks first, Yack next. Vikki – I don’t want to be mad anymore. Dylan – she loved you – she loved all of us. Nick knows he was his Mother’s son – I guess it’s time to say good bye. Wait- Victor was asked to say something – that could have changed everything – now it’s too late. Victor’s left to weep alone.

Nikki can see it so clearly – Victor couldn’t hear me, but I tried.

Acknowledging his arrogance. Victor thought he could fix his baby – I did what I always do – but I failed. I didn’t listen to you. I didn’t tell you what you wanted to hear. I didn’t have the courage to tell you what you will always mean to me. I lost the love of my life. I’m so damned lonely. We argued – but we loved each other. I loved you. As Victor weeps on a nearby bench, Nikki reads her name on the headstone.

It’s too late for tears now, Victor grieves. I told myself these rocky times where a phase – that our love would conquer all. Nikki whispers – it’s an insidious disease – turned me into someone I didn’t want to be. Oh what will Victor do without Nikki by his side? I loved you so much. In the end, it had to come from me, Nikki knows she had to do it for herself.

Up in the clouds, Nikki didn’t need Victor to say the words; two people; one mind, one heart. But I still couldn’t quit drinking on my own. In the end, it was my choice. Victor brought me here, but this is where I chose to be Angel ( a counselor at ‘Home’ according to his work tag) So, seeing my grave, it wasn’t the DT’s was it? Angel talks about a moment of clarity. Welcome Home. Nikki smiles through her tears.