Tuesday, November 3rd

Phyllis is back up and checking the door. Jack can’t find a pulse on Patty. Leaving her, the Abbott’s head down the hallway.

Adam, Billy and Victor continue to bicker, then head out to Dylan and the chopper. Hearing that Jack’s still inside, Adam turns to shout – is someone there???

Nick and Sage are eager to see their son, but instead find a nurse who says – we tried to reach you. There were complications. Running in, they see the incubator is empty. Christian didn’t make it.

Making it to the lobby, Jack (with Phyllis) tells Paul that Patty’s upstairs – but she’s gone.

Mom! Ben! OMG! Please be OK, Abby crouches down to stroke Ashley’s hair (after she’s rolled Ben off her) Both are unconscious.

Safe travels my boy, Victor says as he reluctantly leaves Adam behind to confront the devil. Allow me to introduce myself, a grinning Ian pulls the mask off to reveal himself. And the helicopter whisks Victor to safety.


Next: One more trip! But when I tell you to get you to get the hell off the roof I mean it! You damn well better follow my orders! Be safe, Nikki hugs Victor – bring them home… Behold my creation in all it’s glory (an explosion goes off as Ian spreads his arms then goes to hit Adam in the head)

My Thoughts: Why is Paul bossing the firefighters around? They have their own chief … And why isn’t blueprint reading being done in another building (there’s even another Newman Tower right beside the one on fire) Paul doesn’t want any heroes? Aren’t all firefighters heroes? Speaking of heroes, Joe chose not to be one, but he doesn’t have to whine about Dylan playing hero. You either act or react (or, in his case, overreact, overact AND fail to react)… Mike will wait for the next ‘chopper FULL of people’? What, all four of them? is Dylan just hanging around on the roof of a burning building or is he taking up one of the four seats for a fun, scenic rides across the GC skyline? If he’s on the rooftop cleaning fresh air, why is everyone else inhaling smoke in the ballroom? … Why isn’t there any reporters at the hospital? Have they not noticed the fire? … Kevin doesn’t want to leave GCM to take Mariah home – he’s ‘too invested’ and wants to make sure everyone gets out? Please – he barely looks up from Mike’s computer (which is quite a breach of security in itself. I’m sure he has confidential files on it) .. Weird how Ben and Ashley are filthy, yet Victor doesn’t have a smudge on his face or starched white shirt… Oh poor Nikki – ‘all these rings’. I guess Victor’s given her enough bling to not be a trigger for her drinking anymore. Victor’s more than ‘stubborn’ and ‘flawed’, he’s a manipulative liar … Surely L’il Christian isn’t dead – Dr Anderson must be incubating him somewhere to hand over to Sharon for some reason (which I bet has to do with Nick; perhaps she’s the girl, Sonya, who was injured diving into the Newman pool as a teenager?) .. Nice little speech Nikki gave Chelsea and Lily; you both have strong, resourceful husbands (but they have more in common that they – she could have added – you both have husbands who’ve faked their death, lied and posed as other people) Line of the day goes to Victor (telling Joe, of all people, to keep everyone calm; ‘make sure they don’t panic’ – he’s been panicking and trying to sneak onto the chopper since smoke was first smelt)