Friday, July 1st

At the club, Jack tells Billy that Ian shot Victor and kidnapped Nikki – Vikki could use your support. Instead, Billy orders a drink. Saying that Phyllis is at the cabin, Jack uses Billy’s phone to call her (since he left his up there) At the cabin, Phyllis is about to answer her phone when Ian bursts in with Nikki. How serendipitous, he’s delighted to see his fellow star gazer.

Sharon’s surprised that Kevin’s already called in Dr Lamb. The sooner we see the patient, the better he says. As all four file into an examination room, Sharon claims she’s not the patient – I don’t need a doctor. You do, Kevin says. Dr Lamb tells Sharon that going off her meds could be dangerous – and you could pose a danger to yourself and those around you. You tricked me! Sharon clams up when Dr Lamb suggests sedating her.

At the cabin, Phyllis asks what the hell’s going on. He shot Victor and escaped, Nikki updates. Ian figures he did both ladies a favour. Fun’s over – get over there. Phyllis puts an arm around Nikki.

Dr Gates tells Victor that he’s not in the prison hospital – yet. Why did you humiliate me in court?

Dylan thinks Adam made a deal with the devil – to get Ian’s testimony. OK – Adam arranged for him to be moved to a better prison. Dylan wants the truth – my Mother’s life is on the line. Tell him, Chelsea encourages. He wasn’t supposed to escape! My Mom’s a hostage because of you two! Dylan’s angry.

Ian has Phyllis tie Nikki up – nice and tight! No tricks. Jack will be back from the store any minute, Phyllis doesn’t fool Ian (who saw him at the courthouse) Ian considers getting rid of Nikki so he can spend some quality time with Phyllis.

Phyllis (now tied to a chair also) tells Ian that he’ll pay for this. Ian has such great taste in hostages – don’t make me gag you. He wants to check online to see if he’s on the news. Phyllis hisses at Nikki – get my cell phone (on the floor) Nikki can’t quite reach it. There’s a message from Billy.

At the club, Billy asks if everything’s OK between Jack and Phylis. Why would you ask that? Jack wonders.

In the courtroom, Mike plans to file for a mistrial. He’ll get to the truth. Chris thinks he made a mockery of the legal system when he ‘defended’ Victor. Paul returns to announce that Ian’s disappeared. After Mike leaves, Chris has faith that Paul will find Ian (and Nikki) Both will go see Victor at the hospital.

Why did you tell the court I was a liar? Diminish any feelings we shared? Meredith thinks Victor lied on the stand and is lying now. Victor cares about Meredith but must protect his family and keep Adam out of prison. Updating Nick and Vikki, Meredith leaves. The kids now update Victor (who says Adam’s the reason Ian was able to kidnap Nikki)

Chelsea and Adam didn’t mean for this to happen. But it did – you’re the one who got Ian out of prison, and Dylan blames Adam if Nikki and/or Victor dies.

Nick doesn’t care who’s to blame – he just wants his Mom home safe. Paul walks in to agree. Victor blasts him for allowing Ian to escape with his wife. Nick and Vikki are asked to step out so that Chris and Paul can ask Victor if he helped Ian escaped. No! Stop asking dumb questions. He shoved the guard because Ian was using Nikki as a human shield.

Ian returns to find Phyllis and Nikki hissing at one another – maybe you should wrestle for the honour of being my hostage.