Monday, October 16th

Gloria’s in Ravi’s office – she called a few of her nurse friends but got little info. Ravi can’t tell Gloria what happened at Ashley’s dinner but needs a favour – don’t let Graham sign anything for Dina. No, he can’t say why. Saved by the bell, Ravi gets a call that sends him running off to do something for Ashley.

Graham and the Abbott’s continue to jostle for position at GCM. Dr Hummel can’t say when Dina can go home – the next few hours are critical. No, she can’t have visitors yet. He then leaves Ashley to suggest Graham get himself a lawyer.

Victor doesn’t need an answer right this minute – but Nikki moving back to the ranch will make this family whole again; give the kids and grandkids hope. Nikki wonders if Victor would rather they reconcile because they want to, or because she’s blackmailed (she doesn’t expect an answer right this minute either) Victor’s left alone with his arms folder and eyebrow cocked.

Sharon now scolds Nick for pouting. He sees no sense arguing about it – it’s done. Call Jack and Neil – get some of the money back, Sharon demands. Nick can’t do that – he gave the exact amount he was donating on TV. Sharon grew up poor – wants her kids to have options she didn’t; to follow their hearts. Nick doesn’t think anyone needs the amount of money he had. Scott’s only alive because Victor could afford a 10 million dollar ransom (which Lauren couldn’t afford) Sharon argues. Nick’s relieved when Noah arrives (talk some sense into your Mother) Noah’s there to talk sense into his Dad.

Round 3 of the Abbott’s vs Graham (who’s had it with all of them) You lied to her – manipulated her – our Mother’s done with you. She’ll want to see ME, not YOU, Graham claims that Ashley’s a pathetic loser, just like her real Father was. Jack and Traci restrain Ashley.

Noah worries about their expansion plans being curtailed. And Nick’s pissed off grandpa too. Nick thinks they can do this on their own. This isn’t a war – he’s simply washed his hands of Victor. Both Sharon and Noah want Nick to make peace with Victor (and leave him to sigh)

Ravi’s at Top of the Tower to pick up Ashley’s award (which the staff kindly held onto) Victor wishes Ashley had come so he could congratulate her. Ravi diplomatically mentions some family drama. Victor knows everything about his former wife. Ravi thinks that good – Ashley will need all the support she can get.

Traci can’t believe Dina told Graham about John not being Ashley’s Father (and not her) Graham boasts the he knows everything – even how Ashley became unstable when she found out the truth. Ashley knows who the real Graham is. And you can’t put that back in a bottle now.

On the CL’s patio, Noah worries he overreacted. Sharon thinks his reaction was justified. Still, Noah regrets running over to the penthouse to confront his Father. It was disrespectful; not my finest moment. Sharon worries about Noah’s future children. Dad’s teaching us to be independent, Noah has to give Nick props. Sharon hopes giving away the money turns out how Nick hopes it will.