Thursday, January 11th

Would you like anything else? Victor asks after Reed finishes his lunch. Yes, cake, Reed answers. After you clean out the stables, Victor wants Reed to ‘clean out the muck’. He’s also to find out what he missed at school and finish it tonight. Reed’s also to clear his own dishes and make his bed every morning. You rise at 6am etc. etc. One of us will pick you up from school. This wasn’t what I was expecting, Reed sighs. Victor talks about him being a good soldier – get your haircut. Nikki and Victor both order him to not leave the ‘compound’ – investigators will find you and bring you back. Now take your dishes and get to the stables. Reed obeys, leaving Nikki to grin.

Over a drink at the bar, Billy learns that Ashley’s pushing forward with arbitration. She whines that Jack’s been trying to manipulate her; distracting her with a new lab. We have to put this leadership issue to rest to focus on Dina. Billy’s then stunned to hear that Graham married her. That’s one thing Ashley and Jack agree on – getting rid of Graham.

In his suite, Graham has latex gloves on as he removes bottles of chemicals from a bag and sets them out on the table.

It’s really cold, JT asks to come in and get his coat. Once inside, he and Vikki kiss passionately and shed clothes on the staircase.

My Thoughts: Why is Phyllis running herself ragged making Billy’s kids breakfast while his unemployed ass is strolling around in a robe. And it seems to be HER fault. She practically ran Billy over to answer the door (which is Billy’s door now too) Why is she so determined to be domesticated all of a sudden? …. Ha ha ha. Nikki has the audacity to crow about how she and Victor would handle teenage angst so much better than Vikki and JT. Per history, Victor was extremely unattentive and Nick was all but raised by Jack. The kids were sent to boarding school and came back no better than Reed. Nikki had NO business speaking to Vikki like that in her own home … Why does the lab have no natural light? At all? It’s pitch dark. How did Ashley make her way to the ‘fortress’ in the dark? Where is Jack? Why is the chief of police tending to a break-in – and what kind of drug addicts are using the same compounds and chemicals as a cosmetics company?