Friday, June 29th

Billy’s summoned Jack to his office to give him a cheque. It’s not charity, all board members are getting a bonus. Jack thinks it a bit premature to hand out bonuses based on projections. Jack declines the money – reinvest it in the company. His advice is to get a couple of quarters under handing out cheques. Thanks but no thanks, Jack walks out.

The four ladies continue to debate whether JT’s alive. IF JT’s alive, how did he dig his way out without making a mess? Nikki assumes the groundskeepers would assume it was an animal and tidy up. It’s decided that Nikki will close the park so they can investigate – today. We reconvene there once Nikki’s closed it down. Nick arrives to express surprise – someone want to tell me what’s going on??

You’re right on time – set up over there, Devon instructs as he answers the door and updates Hilary that he’s scheduled a mobile ultrasound (since they both want to see their baby)

On the rooftop, Summer watches Tiffany give Kyle a kiss before leaving. You must have really hit it off, she goes over to comment – then is told how much fun Kyle’s having. Until something more interesting catches your eye, Summer sashays off (Kyle, of course, turns to look)

Assured that they met to discuss charity work, the ladies tell Nick that they were discussing JT (and that he was captured on camera) The ‘meeting’ ends and all scatter when Phyllis gets a text from Summer (for lunch) Asking his Mom to stay behind, Nick wants to know what she’s hiding from him.

Again seated in the booth, Nikki’s asked about Victor’s health. He’s concerned about Christian. He’s safe, happy and well taken care of, Nikki wishes Nick had more compassion for his Father. Nick has no sympathy for Victor (and lists why) When things get heated, Sharon comes over to defend Nikki (then leaves them both to apologize) Christian needs to be home, Nick gets emotional – he needs me. You’re covering for him – again, Nick won’t let either of them get away with not giving Christian the happiness he deserves.

Jack appears on the rooftop to ask Vikki if she’s thinking about JT. He came to see me when I was in jail, Jack found it odd – and can’t blame him for taking off instead of going to prison. Did he say anything else? Yes, he said he was sorry I went over to the ranch that night – Jack hopes Vikki (and even Victor) are taking precautions.

Phyllis comes home before Summer has time to put her to go food on plates (to pretend she made it) When Summer admits she’s broke, Phyllis points out that she has a good paying job now. No, she won’t lend Summer money but will reimburse her for lunch. I put it on your account, Summer’s rewarded with a ‘that’s my girl’.

This’ll be a bit cold, the ultrasound tech spreads gel, then maneuvers the device on Hilary’s belly. Problem? Devon asks. The tech is having trouble locating a heartbeat.

Phyllis is back at Jabot to update Billy that Summer’s burned through her trust fund money. At least she’s being honest and trying to work things out. Billy looks nervous as he gives Phyllis a hug.