Wednesday, July 4th

It’s down to Sinnead and Billy at the poker table as all watch the high-stakes hand play out. Summer looks nervous as Billy goes all in.

After driving the guest of honour away, Neil thinks it time Hilary leave. No – not until you tell me what set him off, Hilary declares Nate a diva – why all the secrecy? Fine, Neil informs that Nate was about to propose to the love of his life. She dumped him, Hilary smugly guesses. No, she died a year ago today, Lily shuts Hilary up. Sarcastically thanking everyone for the heads up, Hilary leaves (Devon following)

A petrified Dina shrinks away from Jack (and into Ashley’s arms) He thanks her for trying to help him but it’s over. You don’t have to do it anymore. Jack announces that he’s dropping the lawsuit – I can’t put her through anymore. It’s over, he repeats looking devastated.

Sinnead goes all in too (including the keys to her 1.2 million house in Catalina) Billy throws in keys to a brand new yacht. His hand? 4 of a kind. He smiles until Sinnead reveals her hand. Straight flush. Summer and Billy both look horrified as Sinnead rakes in her winnings.

Next: Victor defends himself …. Ashley makes a power move…. Danger finds Nikki and Sharon.

My Thoughts: Couldn’t Jack have Dina’s testimony recorded in the comfort of her own home? On one of her ‘good days’? Then have his lawyer enter it into evidence? And I get that Jill would rather Philip’s body remain at rest – but surely she must feel some empathy towards Jack given she experienced considerable anguish when trying to find out who her biological parents were. I vaguely remember Jill and Lauren having a fight beside Neil’s empty grave so it’s likely that Jill had his body exhumed for a DNA test … Hilary is too much. She’ll never change and why should she? She’s got everything she wants…. Happy 4th of July!