Monday, August 27th

In Billy’s office, Kyle tells Ashley all about Summer’s plan (thwarted by Phyllis, she’s now stuck on Jaboat for a week) Ashley thinks it must be genetic. She doubts Summer got her way with Billy (since Phyllis is still with him) Billy’s a guy with impulse-control issues and Summer has her ‘charms’. Since Ashley would rather use financial misdealings than scandal, Kyle shares his theory that the 30K invoice for boat repairs was probably a buy-in to win it back. We need to catch him again, Ashley’s cautious. Why wait for Billy to mess up when we can make it happen? Kyle’s ready to take the initiative.

Awakening from a nap, Vikki’s understandably startled to find her Mom beside her in bed. You have not right to let yourself in and spy on me, Nikki also knows that Vikki lied about going to therapy. She won’t leave until Vikki comes clean. OK, it’s been months since Vikki saw her therapist.

Served a glass of water in bed, Vikki claims that seeing a therapist made her more anxious. Nikki suggests she go back to Dr Mosely. Vikki doesn’t feel safe confiding what happened the night JT died – I feel trapped, cornered. I’m losing control and don’t know how to make it stop. We’ll find a way, Nikki reassures.

Billy serves Phyllis Mrs Martinez’s mimosa’s and pastries – then a kiss. Abby appears to warn that there’s no skinny dipping in the pool. After she stomps off, Billy now wonders if Ashley’s right – this house is getting smaller by the minute.

Ashley doesn’t want to cross the line by pushing Billy into gambling – even Jack wouldn’t go there. You said this calls for extreme measures, Kyle thinks Billy needs to be reminded that gambling controls him. Do you want to regain control of your Dad’s company again or not? We’ll be in control – and when we’ve hooked Billy we end it. If you have a better plan, I’ll support it, Kyle’s smug in the knowledge that she doesn’t have a better plan.

Next: Victor offers Devon advice …. Suspicion grows around Rey … Phyllis spills a secret.

My Thoughts: Of COURSE Mariah would choose Crimson Lights as the perfect place to plan Sharon’s bridal shower. If she had any experience planning showers she’d know that serial brides don’t get thrown a party every time they say I do. What next? Sharon in a white wedding dress? … Why can’t any of these adult ‘kids’ find themselves a home of their own? No wonder Gloria’s real estate business never took off…. Why is Ashley putting all her trust in the nephew she distrusted (for good reason) just a few months ago? And she’s right to feel icky about pushing Billy into gambling. It’s an addiction – no better than giving Jack a bottle of pills or Neil a bottle of Scotch.. Back to Billy and Phyllis looking for a home. Why not stay at the Chancellor Estate? Since Cane left there’s only Ester wandering about with her feather duster … It’s a tad hipocrtitical of Abby to warn Billy and Phyllis ‘no skinny dipping’ – she enticed Daniel Romaloti into skinny dipping in the Newman pool for her Naked Heiress show, skinny dipped in Kay’s pool at a July 4th party, got naked in a giant martini glass at Glowworm and rode into the club naked on horseback…. So what if Dina thinks she has a dog named Piper. Jack forgets he has a dog named Fisher. Victor’s lost Segundo and Vikki had a huge mutt after Dash (the dog Delia was chasing after when she was hit by Adam’s car)