Friday, August 16th, 2019

Taking a deep breath, Lola asks her Father what he’s doing there. As all try again to evict Adrian, Lola asks to speak to him alone. I’ll be fine, please, she assures. After all file out, Adrian’s full of regret and apologies – he never stopped caring. Easy to say now, Lola can’t embrace him now – not on this day. Celeste returns – she won’t let him ruin another second of her baby’s wedding. Lola doesn’t care if he stays – but I can’t do this. Celeste is left to look at Adrian with the hint of a smile.

As Theo tells Kyle that he’s there to make a peace offering, Phyllis asks Summer what’s going on (as Mariah gyrates awkwardly on the dancefloor) A human grenade Theo’s lobbing at Kyle, Summer guesses. We don’t want to lay our bodies on a grenade – more cake? Phyllis suggests. Zeo assures Kyle that she’s fine – that night didn’t scar her – though she didn’t know her jerk of a Dad was paid off until Theo told her. Kyle’s sorry about that night – and that Theo’s using her to try sabotage his wedding. Get out – we’re done – for good, he steps forward to snarl.

Vikki slams in to awaken Billy as he sleeps on the couch. She didn’t just come from the wedding – she was out looking for him for the last two hours because he didn’t answer his phone. Needless to say she was worried – did you have another incident? No, Billy’s sorry – he just needed some time alone.

We’re happy to go, Theo doesn’t need to be asked twice. On their way out, Phyllis intercepts. Sending Zoe on her way, Theo assures Phyllis that he’ll fill her in later.

There you are, Lola’s pleased to see that Kyle got rid of Theo. She has a wedding crasher of her own – that’s my Dad.

As Arturo’s trying to apologize to Abby, Nate comes over to shoo him off (which Abby seems to appreciate)

Celeste could really use a drink. Jack could make that happen (you know, because there’s a fully stocked free bar and a team of waiters carrying around trays of drinks) He’ll also make good on his promise of a dance.

Kyle can’t believe Lola’s Father had the nerve to show up uninvited. She doesn’t care and now it’s time to toss the bouquet – AKA hot potato as Abby catches it, throws it to Summer – who throws it to Phyllis – who throws it at Ashley – who throws it at Mariah – who shrugs and kisses Tessa as all applaud.

Vikki sensed some drama at the reception but stayed out of it. That said, she has some interesting gossip for Billy. Mike’s running for DA. Perhaps working for Adam is enough to drive anyone to the right side of the law.

Ignoring her Father’s leer, Lola dances with Kyle. Both are eager for their honeymoon to start. Now it’s time for another annoying announcement from Mariah. We have bubbles! Everyone cheers and surrounds the newlyweds as they dance and kiss – now with bubbles.