Wednesday, September 11th, 2019

Adam joins Sharon at CL’s to ask if she’s alright. I’m fine – I was just about to go. Stay, please, he implores.

Back at TGP, Paul tells Rey that a portion of the security footage was deleted. It’s hard to believe Zoe was able to manage that. Who might have done it? Rey wonders.

Phyllis plays Zoe’s recorded confession for an outraged Abby and Chelsea. There’s more – she shows them a photo taken from video footage (Zoe pouring powder into the Sangria pitchers) Hacking is a skill, she’s smug. You’re welcome. You want us to thank you for trying to blackmail us?! Chelsea baulks. You’re covering up a crime! Abby’s equally aghast. Phyllis has the power to save TGP and send Zoe to jail – whaddaya say girls? Can we make a deal or not?

Vikki updates her parents and Nick that she hasn’t heard from Billy since the text he supposedly sent from rehab. NE’s investigators haven’t been able to confirm that he checked himself in. She’s scared and not sure what to believe anymore. Why didn’t you come to me? Victor asks. Vikki looks alarmed – I did – you offered to put your best PI on the job. Oh yeah, Victor remembers calling him but …. he …. Unable to speak, Victor slumps into the sofa, his worried family surrounding him.

Back at CL’s, Adam’s glad Sharon’s OK – but it must have been terrifying. It was – Sharon couldn’t control her emotions. Anyone who meddles with someone’s medical regiment deserves whatever they get, she adds. Anything I can do? Adam asks. You said you didn’t want anything to do with me, Sharon reminds (and receives an apology and informs that she’s taking a little trip) Adam wouldn’t mind doing that himself. No, he didn’t mean with Sharon. Good – because this is about me moving forward, not looking back, she exits.

Time’s up ladies – what’s it gonna be? After a hushed chat a few feet away, Abby and Chelsea ask how much of an interest Phyllis wants in the hotel. 50%?! They’re willing to go as high as 25% (same as Chelsea while Abby owns 50%) OK, that’ll do. But oh no – Phyllis isn’t paying for her shares – she wants them for free. When Abby threatens to go to Paul, Phyllis threatens to delete the evidence. The deal agreed to, she’s even brought along paperwork for Abby to sign. Then we’ll put the next part of my plan into action.

Adam’s back at the penthouse playing cards with Connor. Gin! Having won, Conner’s won ice cream and a high five. Adam meant to teach Connor math, not load him up on junk food. You make everything fun, Dad. You must have fun with your Mom and Nick, Adam probes. Yeah… but… But what? Will you and Mom ever get back together?

Victor downplays the episode – I’m lucid now. It’s just a side effect of the treatment. When Nikki and the kids continue to fret, Victor pulls out his phone to call the doctor – to assure his wife and kids that there’s nothing to worry about.

Zoe’s not surprised that Phyllis summoned her to TGP. It’s pretty bold for me to meet you where it all went down. Knowing Phyllis used to run a magazine, she wonders if she wants to help take her blog to the next level. No, I do not – and Chief Williams has a few questions for you. Paul, Rey, Abby, Chelsea and the staff of TGP file in. Arrested and lead out in handcuffs, Zoe realizes she will indeed now be famous. Excitedly, she spells out her name – follow me! Let that be a lesson, Phyllis eyes Abby and Chelsea – that’s what happens when you cross Phyllis Summers.

Adam manages to say all the right things. Your Mom and I will always love you but we’re not getting back together. I guess I’ll be living with Nick for good, Connor pouts. Adam promises to be a big part of his sons’ life. Nothing in this world means more to me than you ~hug~ I love you.

As Nate takes Victor’s blood pressure, his family hovers and worries. He’s stabilized for the moment, Nate tells all. But when it comes time to discuss the latest blood test results, Victor hustles Nate into his office. Nikki’s flanked by her supportive kids.

Back at TGP, Abby and Chelsea are pleased to see that Zoe’s arrest is all over the internet. Theo’s doing his job – portraying the hotel as the victim of a devious schemer. Let’s not forget who got this party started, Phyllis crows. Champagne in hand, she suggests her title be Chief Executive In Charge of Security. Let’s toast. Here’s to the beginning of a beautiful partnership (which neither Abby or Chelsea look thrilled about)