Monday, November 11th, 2019

There’s cops out there, Amanda comes away from the window to worry about being questioned by them and the press. She doesn’t want her life open for public consumption. Cane knows better than anyone – your old life catches up with your new one. Still refusing to confide, Amanda just wants to get out of this alive.

Simon demands a private plane for him and a passenger. Paul’s updating Rey when Nick comes out to sputter that the passenger will be Chelsea or Connor. Paul and Rey calm him down – we have a plan – let us do our jobs.

As Chance gets on the elevator, Simon’s continuing to drag Connor around. Everything will be OK – nod if you hear me, Adam instructs his unresponsive son. And as Chance crawls through the air ducts, he warns then tries to bargain with Simon. I’m high profile, have unlimited resources and I know how to get away with a crime.

Adam makes his pitch to Simon – the cops are small-minded civil servants – I’m a multimillionaire with questionable ethics. I’ve disappeared off the face of the earth more than once. You can make a new life wherever you want. I can give you more money than you ever thought possible.

Chance calls Phyllis to get an update as to where everyone’s standing right now.

Nothing will go wrong – trust us, Paul and Rey tell Nick then exit; ‘let’s roll’. Ignoring Jack, Nick grabs his jacket and follows.

Chance sends Abby a text – get ready. Adam assures Simon that he’s not lying. It’s true – he can pull it off, Abby’s chimes in. We’ll never make it past the feds, cops and swat team. Me and the boy are going on a trip. No more empty promises. As Simon points a gun at Adam, Abby screams – don’t do this! – he’s just a little boy – let us go! Watching the drama unfold, Phyllis barks into her phone – go now! Chance falls through the ceiling to knock Simon to the floor. Run! Chelsea shouts at Connor. After Abby unlocks the door to let the cops, Nick and Jack in, Connor squirms out of his and Chelsea’s group hug and into his Dad’s arms.

Cane returns to tell Amanda that the lock down’s been lifted, the elevator’s are running – but there is a lot of cops and press downstairs. Assured that she’ll be OK, Cane goes downstairs to see what happened. Once alone, Amanda exhales in relief.

Simon lead out in cuffs, Paul and Chance praise each other for a job well done. And after Paul leaves, Chance comes over to tell Jack that Abby was ‘pivotal’. More like pitiful, she jokes that being a drama queen came in handy. The real work was being done behind the scenes, Phyllis seems to be jealous. As Adam comforts Connor, Nick asks Chelsea who that man was. She’ll tell him later – right now I need to be with my son. Of course, Nick watches as an outsider as she joins Adam and Connor.

My Thoughts: Could that silent panic alarm possibly be any more indiscreet? It might as well have a neon arrow pointing flashing ‘silent alarm’ on it. The gigantic white button sticks out like a sore thumb and protrudes to the point that you’d have to be conscious of not hitting it when grabbing a bottle from the bar. Why is the check in desk also a bar anyway? If Phyllis’ security system can protect their guests from ‘any kind of attack’ how has one man managed to hold the place hostage? And not knowing whether Simon has accomplices posted outside or elsewhere in the hotel, why did Abby shove a handful of guests out the door telling them to go to CL’s or Society and send her the tab. Oh gee – what a tough decision; shall I go for coffee and scones? Or will I go order the most expensive dishes on the famous Lola Roscalles’ Cuban inspired menu – “and a bottle of your best champagne”?? …. THAT’S the penthouse apartment Phyllis was so excited to move into? The bed is in the living room – which makes it a hotel room, not even a suite. And she doesn’t even have a nice view. If Cane was so worried about Amanda why did he leave her door wide open?