Friday, October 9th, 2020

Thanks for nothing! a furious Adam ends his call as Chelsea comes home to declare that family is more important than winning – let’s walk away. Didn’t take long for you to turn on me too, he has no intention of running.

Sharon needs to get out of the house for a bit – by herself. Just a quick trip to CL’s. Rey seems perfectly happy to stay home, watching home reno shows until Sharon returns with his brownie. Closing the door, she looks …um…discontent…dissatisfied.

Having summoned Jack to CL’s, Lauren does indeed have info on the necklace – but first, something more precious than any emerald. Gushing appropriately over the photo of Chloe’s newborn, Jack congratulates Lauren on becoming an Aunt.

At the Chancellor Estate, Chloe declares Kevin a natural (Father) She has a gift for him. Kevin can’t imagine a better gift than his baby boy.

Dancing and cocktails are exactly what Lola needs. Always the one to stick her foot in her mouth, Tessa lets it slip that Kyle and Summer are getting married. I’m so sorry – I shouldn’t drink, ever. They eloped, Mariah has no choice but to confirm. It’s time to get girls night started – but first a deflated, Lola has to go upstairs to get her purse.

Refusing to believe that Vikki wins and she loses, Phyllis shouts into her phone ‘do your job!’ ~click~ Though Kyle does his best to escape the lounge without confrontation, Phyllis pounces – why do you look like a disheveled Clark Kent? And where’s the blushing bride?

Chelsea hasn’t turned on Adam, she’s still/always at his side. You said it yourself, this expose is going to get uglier. Let’s go spend some time with our son, a reminder of what we’re fighting for. Think this through. Adam doesn’t have time to think – Billy could publish another article any day. When Chelsea worries that Adam’s out of control, he questions her ‘unconditional’ love and slams out.

Kevin’s gift? Chloe will let him choose a name for their son.

Back at CL’s, Lauren’s informs that she’s having the contents of her Father’s safety deposit box sent from London – Jack appreciates it. Isn’t the legend of the necklace that it brings love to the owner? Lauren teases – You’ve been alone too long.

Back at TGP, Kyle tells Phyllis that the wedding didn’t happen. He woke up to an empty bed and a goodbye note. What did you do to scare Summer off? Phyllis immediately assumes he’s to blame.

When Jack claims that his only interest in the necklace is making his Mom happy, Lauren cackles – you’re the second most romantic man I know. She bets Jack will want to give the necklace to the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with. Jack’s wasted a lot of time hating his Mother. He’s too busy taking care of her to find love.

A shellshocked Kyle has little details for Phyllis – he and Summer exchanged I love You’s and fell asleep in each other’s arms. In the morning she was gone. The note was vague – Summer had to figure some things out. Phyllis knows Summer loves Kyle. We’re not done here, she’s still shouting at his back as Kyle escapes.

Phyllis leaves Summer a voicemail. There’ll be no judgment or ‘I told you so’s’ – please, just call me back.

Chelsea’s at the Chancellor Estate to coo over the baby. Chloe apologizes for yammering on – tell me what’s going on with you. Chelsea immediately bursts into tears.

You’re looking well – surgery went alright? Adam finds Sharon on the CL’s patio. After some brief but light-hearted banter, Adam confides that he’s feeling desperate, his chest is tightening – everything’s being taken away from him. YOU’RE the only one who stands by me. While Sharon sees this encounter as coincidence, Adam thinks it fate.