Friday, April 9th, 2021

Are you my lawyer? Faith asks. Chris is more of an advocate. We’re going to make this as comfortable as possible. We’re all on your side. Yes, even the Judge. Faith enrolling in a rehab program demonstrates that she’s taking responsibility for her actions. When Sharon arrives, Faith knows she has to pay for her mistake. It’s still weird to think that Adam’s the one who found me. Nick and Sharon pack up Faith’s things while Faith asks Chris what to wear for court.

At the penthouse, Amanda tells Devon that she doesn’t blame Victor – out of the blue, she practically accused him of bribery/murder. She has no regrets and is energized; she gets to argue a case with two powerhouses, Victor and Sutton. My life’s come full circle. Devon’s inspired to see her rise to the challenge.

Nate will have to get Chelsea to the hospital for tests and rehab – we can all be cautiously optimistic. This is good news – you believe that, right? Yes, Chelsea croaks. I ….need …. Detective Rosales.

As Sharon goes to make Faith a snack, Nick her to get some rest – tomorrow won’t be easy – court, then to look at some rehab places – then school. Faith takes full blame – will my life ever get back to normal? Of course – we’re all rooting for you. With one more apology, Faith goes up to nap. Nick then tells Sharon that he went to Chelsea’s – she regained the ability to speak. What did she say? ‘Sharon knows’. What the hell do you think she means by that? Sharon admits that she knows where Adam’s hiding – Rey’s on his way now.

Amanda’s going to be doing a deep dive into a box Sutton’s lawyers are sending over – Devon might not see her for a while. Moses arrives to hope he’s not interrupting anything. No, Amanda has to go. She thanks Devon for listening and leaves. At the door, their talk reminded her of how things used to be. She can’t focus on anything but the case right now.

Adam and I think Chelsea’s faking her paralysis and setting him up . What a coincidence that she miraculously managed to say a few words when you visited, Sharon scoffs. Adam saved Faith’s life – we owe him the benefit of the doubt. Rey’s probably already arrested him (at the cottage on the lake) Nick’s going over there – this is something I’ve gotta do.

Rey finds the door ajar and the room empty – Adam! he shouts.

In her suite, Amanda finds a box, inside she finds a binder marked ‘Richard Nealon’. Pulling out a photo of her Father, she tears up.

Yes, Devon’s trying to smooth things over with Amanda but isn’t sure their relationship’s fixable; he’s glad they can be friends. Moses sorta had a girlfriend but she didn’t get my jokes. He did meet a girl at Memorial – she got all my jokes.

At CL’s, Elena bumps into Nate for the second time. He meant what he said about her being the one who inspired him to mentor Moses. He asks if she has time to hang out for a bit, grab coffee. I know a place.

Chelsea’s pleased with her performance – Nick bought it and you picked up on my clues. My secret’s safe. I hold the reigns now. Adam will look crazy if he tries to blame me. Chloe doesn’t look convinced.

Nikki encourages Faith to eat – you have to build up your strength for tomorrow. Faith feels prepared thanks to her family and Chris – she’s ready for court.

Nick and Rey are disappointed to find that Rey’s moved on. He could be anywhere. Nick reports that Chelsea regained her ability to speak. She said two words – Sharon knows. Sharon claims that Chelsea’s faking. It doesn’t matter what I think, Rey’s pissed that Adam left – almost like he was warned – and Sharon’s the only person who knew I was coming for him.