Monday, August 30th, 2021

Ashland’s spent so many years projecting invincibility that he feels invincible – that all fades so fast. Nate can relate due to his hand injury. He learned to accept his limitations and ask for help when needed. Be honest with your doctors, and with Vikki, he advises.

Everyone’s excited to see you and meet the baby, Abby informs. Mariah’s hungry – for anything but protein bars! Abby explains how protein bars may have saved her life (it’s part of Ben’s story that first made Devon suspicious) Hearing they didn’t know she was missing because Stitch was texting them, Mariah’s shocked – I’d never leave town without saying goodbye to Tessa! She relays telling Bowie that he needed to be brave – because his Mom already loved him so much. Both look uncomfortable.

Meeting Elena on the CL’s patio, Nate’s thrilled to hear that Lily offered her the job. Of course he kept it a surprise. When do you start? Needing time to think about it, Elena plays along when he pretends to be a patient. The diagnosis? You’re a charmer.

Coming back from a visit to the nursery, Mariah and Abby are told by Rey that Stitch stole Max from his facility in the middle of the night and took off. When Abby seems sad that Ben made things worse for himself, Mariah wonders why she feels bad for him – he should be locked up!

Victor rejoins Nick at Society to say he’s still determined to find out how Ashland bought those TV stations from his deceased mentor. Nick informs that someone else is also digging. BillyBoyAbbott, Victor guesses.

When Billy returns to ChanceCom, Lily updates him on her meeting with Elena and a few other business matters. Oh, and your ex dropped by to tell me that I’m letting you do whatever you want around here.

Tessa vows to help Mariah get past her nightmares – you are safe and loved. An ecstatic Abby comes back with birth certificate in hand. The baby’s name will be Dominic Philip Newman Abbott Chancellor (the D is for Devon, the M for Mariah) Oh, third letter, Mariah’s joke goes over Abby’s head. Again alone with Tessa, Mariah looks deflated as she confides that she named the baby Bowie. He was my reason for living and now I don’t know how to let go, she weeps in Tessa’s arms.

Now at home, Abby recites the baby’s long name to Devon (again explaining the D and the M) Honoured, he adds that the baby will be home soon ~hug~

Tessa reminds Mariah that she’s only been home for a few hours. Dominic will have a great life because of you. You always know what I need, Mariah says (but continues to look depressed)

Still at Society, Nick didn’t tell Billy that they’re also looking into Ashland’s past but he may have seen through Nick’s poker face. Victor expressed the need to keep their info in the family – time to circle the Newman wagons.

Lily presented a united front to Vikki – but having reservations about investigating Ashland’s past, warns Billy that he might do irreparable harm to his relationship with the Mother of his children.