Tuesday, November 16th, 2021

At the estate, Jack’s ever so sad to hear that Chance is presumed dead. It’s ‘just awful’, Mariah arrives to check on Abby. Ashley doesn’t know where she went – Dominic will be staying with Devon for a bit. Mariah’s stunned.

Hilary comes down as Devon’s burping Dominic (who’s so much calmer here) He’s happy that Abby trusted him. Her dropping Dominic off shows how much pain she’s in.

On the CL’s patio, Lauren raves about Mike’s superb cross-examination of a witness yesterday. He appreciates having his biggest fan in the gallery and lives for her laugh. How lucky we are to still be in love. Poor Nick and Phyllis.

Phyllis and Nick cross paths at Society. How awkward. Phyllis will go elsewhere for her bagel. We’re going to run into each other, Nick extends an olive branch by inviting Phyllis to join him for breakfast.

Ashley tells Mariah that Abby made the decision on her own – she’s drowning in grief. I wasn’t even in the running to look after Dom because I got too attached. I guess she doesn’t trust me. But no, Mariah won’t take it personally. Deciding to head to Devon’s on her way to work, she leaves with Jack. Ashley leaves a message for Abby.

Poor Nick and Phyllis, the Baldwins wonder why they broke up – maybe it just fizzled, or they decided they were better as friends over lovers.

Knowing exactly what Nick will order for breakfast, Phyllis rhymes off the details. You’re a creature of habit and I know all your habits. She decides being pals isn’t going to work. How’s your family? she snipes.

Sarcastic comments aside, Phyllis is upset to hear that Nick’s NOW suddenly decided to stay out of his family’s mess.

Running into Tessa at CL’s, Noah would rather talk to her than respond to the text message he just received.

Devon calls his assistant to reschedule his day since he’s working from home. Introducing Moses to the baby he heard crying last night, he’s delighted to hear that the baby has his eyes.

Ending their breakfast on a good note, Phyllis hopes Ashley will tell Jack about Chance before he hears it through the grapevine. She’s left to pout alone for a few seconds before looking up to see Jack staring at her through Society’s window.