Wednesday, April 27th, 2022

On the CL’s patio, Billy’s frustrated that Vikki’s incommunicado. Knowing the guilt one feels after a fatal car accident, Lily suggests Billy give her time.

Vikki’s struggling to replace memories of the accident with paperwork. Turning around to see Ashland enter the office, her head sinks into her hand.

At the penthouse, Imani’s dressed to impress. Who’s coming to this meeting? Lily, Billy and Nate. Amanda and Devon force a smile when Imani perks up hearing Nate’s name.

Across the hall, Elena and Nate are snuggling. Life is short, they agree ~kiss~

Surrounded by gift baskets, Sharon assumes it’s another delivery. Nope. It’s Adam. He’s sorry for her loss.

Back on the patio, Billy’s still obsessing about Vikki and Ashland; why was he on that stretch of road anyway? It’s not up to us to hold him accountable, Lily scolds him.

** Please check back tomorrow for news on Winston and an update on the subscription list.

Still at home with Elena, Nate’s wondering the same thing Billy is – maybe Ashland caused the accident to play knight in shining armour.

Vikki wonders how Ashland got past security. He knows a few tricks and took the risk to see how she’s doing. Not believing Vikki’s fine, he promises to go if she’s really OK (for real this time!)

Out of respect for Sharon’s family, Adam waited until she was alone to come. Alone, Sharon guesses she better get used to it.

Vikki IS fine – I wouldn’t lie about my health. ‘Ouch’, Ashland closes the door – he doesn’t expect sympathy for his injuries. How are you really? Both have been thinking ‘what if’ (for different reasons) He wants Vikki to forgive him.

Sharon finally sets her emotions go all over Adam – why is Ashland, a worthless piece of filth alive, while my husband, who meant so much to so many, is dead!? Rey was so good – forgiving our kiss, forgiving the woman who poisoned him. She cries in Adam’s arms.