Monday, July 25th, 2022

Despite having both checked Ashland’s pulse, Nick and Vikki have to assume that he’s alive and managed to get away somehow. All that’s left is a tidy pool of blood.

Summer and Kyle are on the GCAC rooftop to celebrate dodging a bullet (thanks to Diane) Oh look, there’s my brother with your – uh – niece, Summer has no problem convincing Kyle to join Noah and Ally.

At CL’s, Adam and Sharon catch up. With Connor away at camp, he’s moving from the ranch to the GCAC and has finally cut ties with Victor. Eavesdropping from the patio, Sally finds that very interesting.

Vikki’s wiping the blood off her hands with a tissue when Nick comes back through the french doors. Ashland must have ‘gotten up and left’, Vikki thinks that good news – you didn’t kill him. Victor arrives – what do you mean ‘what am I doing here’? I’m here to protect you.

Taking a break from dancing (aka breakdancing) Kyle and Ally go for drinks. He finds her directness a nice change of pace and returns in kind. Are you angry with my Mother? Ally’s on ‘Team Undecided’. There’s a lot of curiosity about where my sympathies lie. For the first time in a long time, her future looks bright. Is being an Abbott as perfect as it seems?

Victor sits to explain that he has his security detail parked outside. Did they see Ashland? Nick asks. Chance’s arrival interrupts – what happened with Ashland? Is everyone OK?

Sally continues to listen as Sharon supports Adam’s ‘clean break’ with Victor. Having seen a glimpse of the good man she knows him to be, she wonders if that’s because of Sally’s influence – maybe she helped get you there?

Chance records Vikki’s account of what transpired – Ashland showed up, said some nasty things, grew more agitated, grabbed me. Thank God Nick showed up because I knew Ashland was going to kill me.

Sharon’s sorry to hear about the breakup; Sally seemed to really care about you. She was holding me back, Adam’s vague – it’s complicated. Reminded that he was the first person Sharon confided her grief to, Adam admits that he set Sally free so that she could soar. I knew it! Sally bursts in. You thought you were doing me a favour but all I want is to be with you!