Wednesday, January 25th, 2023

At CL’s, Tucker tells Daniel that he had an interesting chat with Phyllis about his new project. Looking suspicious but flattered, Daniel must protect his intellectual property. Tucker heard he was looking for a backer and wants to throw his had in the ring.

Returning from a successful meeting, Nate has another one for Audra to sit in on – with Daniel Romalotti. Instead, Phyllis arrives at Newman Media. Huh – Nate was expecting her son to pitch his vision in person.

Billy arrives at Society to help Lily into her coat. Any animosity seemingly behind them, both are all smiles as they fondly recall him being her COO.

Sally’s in her LA hotel room, griping to Chloe on the phone about Jill cancelling their meeting. Call ended, she flashes back to telling Nick that she’s pregnant. On cue, Nick calls to say he’s thinking of her.

Over her morning coffee, Diane looks smitten as she thinks back to spending the night in Jack’s bed. He comes down – followed by the frowning mood-killers, Summer and Kyle.

You’re here awfully early, Summer notes. Diane spent the night, again, Jack quickly assures that she’s not in danger. Stark’s still being held without bail. Our relationship has taken a turn, romantically speaking, he gives the kids morning sickness.

Nick fusses over Sally by phone – maybe her stomach’s queasy because of the meeting with Jill. She’s sorry she dropped this bomb on him and left town (failing to mention that her meeting with Jill has been canceled.

Phyllis will take this initial meeting and bring Daniel in if Nate decides to proceed. Her pitch noted as ‘Mother’s pride’, Phyllis agrees – but she’s also a gamer. Nate’s eager but Audra wonders who else the idea’s been pitched to. You wouldn’t be trying to start a bidding war, would you?

What’s Daniel looking for? Deep pockets and creative freedom. ‘Dazzle me’.

Slightly condescending, Phyllis assumes Nate and Audra know how the gaming field works, right? A talked-about project quickly becomes a hot commodity. Nate would like to speak to Daniel about it. Audra agrees – they’d need to hear from someone other than the creator’s Mother. Phyllis will set up a meeting if they’re interested. After she leaves, Nate can tell that Audra’s not as enthusiastic.

Back at CL’s, Tucker warns Daniel that he’d have no autonomy at CW or Newman. He manages his time at the Ashram as well as Daniel’s wife and daughter living in Portugal. What Daniel’s looking for in a corporate partner is one that doesn’t pry.

Sally warns Nick that she might have to move to LA – how would you feel about that? How would YOU feel about that? Nick will indeed support her – we’d make it work. But first, make your pitch to Jill. Sally makes it clear that her future is in GC, with Nick.