Tuesday, July 21st

In the hallway, Phyllis wonders what’s taking so long, and bursts into the room – what’s going on with my husband!? As Ben stands, Jack’s eyes remain closed (as if he’s still in a coma)

Kyle and Summer tell Abby to focus on getting better. After Kyle leaves, Abby asks Summer to go to Jabot to get the paperwork. She’s just trying to prove that she’s more than just a really pretty face (and homewrecker) Why is Summer being so nice? After what happened with Austin. I’m slime. Summer hopes they’ve both learned – she’s learned that both need to put effort into a relationship or it won’t work. Now alone, Abby leaves Ben a message – I really need that paperwork (then gets dressed and sneaks out)

Ben hesitates then tells Phyllis and Ashley that Jack’s OK – he had a seizure (from being pushed too hard) He thinks they should leave Jack to rest. Thanking Ben, Ashley will take care of Abby’s paperwork (which he’d forgotten) Phyllis tells Jack she’ll be back tomorrow ¬kiss¬ That leaves Ben to say he hates deceiving them – it’s a patient’s rights. It won’t be for long – Jack needs Ben to do him a favour.

Victor’s glad to hear that Marisa only sees Noah as a friend – he’s in mourning. Marisa thought Marco could offer her something (with his power and wealth) She grew up in an orphanage – you can’t understand that kind of life; abandoned and lonely. Ben then calls Victor – come to the hospital – you could be instrumental in Jack’s recovery. We’ll talk again soon, Victor says in parting. Ben updates Jack that Victor’s coming – hopefully it will help his recovery, not set him back.

In Victor’s office, Ashley scolds Abby for leaving the hospital. As for Ben not getting her paperwork, hello – he’s a doctor – maybe he had to save a life. He was called back to GCM to help Jack. Abby feels terrible about the message she left Ben. She had no idea he was busy helping her family.

Jack closes his eyes as the door opens. Hey Dad – Kyle takes a seat to say he looks better today. Come back to us – the family needs you – the company’s a mess. But more than that, Kyle misses his Dad. He was different after the collapse – and after his honeymoon. But none of that matters. Wake up and buy 10 sports cars – just wake up so you can say ‘I love you’ back.

Noah’s reluctant to believe Mariah and Kevin (who are taking their evidence to Paul) It’s not true. You and Kevin have been on the wrong side of the law – you changed your lives – maybe Marisa wants the same shot. Noah wants to hear what Marisa has to say. Now’s your chance (Marisa arrives)

Marisa feels better thanks to Noah’s chicken soup. Am I interrupting something? Noah suggests they take a walk. Mariah’s left to gripe to Kevin – who knows what she’s capable of.

Phyllis drops by Summer’s apartment – to update that Aunt Avery left town to get help and start fresh. She’ll reach out to you as soon as she’s settled. Summer whines – I thought we were close. Yes, Phyllis was once jealous. She hopes both she and Jack will come back soon. Summer whines some more – what happens when Jack wakes up? Will he and Grandpa continue to fight? How will that effect her and Kyle’s relationship? Phyllis is confident that no one will come between Summer and Kyle ¬hug¬

Ashley and Abby hug it out. Everyone DOES want you to succeed – but don’t let love pass you by, Ashley advises (now let’s get you back to GCM)

Kyle exits to rant to Ben about Victor almost getting into his Dad’s room (the guard was summoned upstairs) Mr Newman is here to see his daughter (he sends Victor down the hall to Abby’s room) After Ben and Kyle walk the other way, Victor slips into Jack’s room.

Abby back in bed, Ashley agrees not to tell Ben that she left. When he walks in, Ben’s alarmed when she says ‘My Mom told me everything’. Huh? About you being called back to help Uncle Jack. After Ashley leaves, Abby asks Ben to delete the message she left him. Too late – he already heard it. She’s sorry – I should be a better girlfriend. Ben is her priority, not work. As Ashley looks in, Ben kisses Abby’s hand.

Marisa and Kevin don’t believe in coincidence – Marisa could lead us to the killer.