Monday, November 2nd

Finding the break room empty, Jack and Ben split up to search the floor. Nick! Kevin! Anyone here? As Ben bangs on the file room door, the lights go out. He hurries off as Cane awakens to pound on the door and shout for help.

As the fire spreads, smoke clearly visible from afar, Victor now instructs the crowd NOT to use the stairwells, it’s dark and smoky – help is on the way. Vikki convinces Billy to wait the 20 minutes at least ~hug~ Lily goes looking for flashlights (and does NOT need Joe to escort her) Luca pulls out a flashlight and eyeballs Noah – I can see EVERYTHING. Phyllis and Ashley decide to go find Jack.

Chris ends a call (Patty’s not in her room) then has Mike grabbed by the guard – Adam’s room is empty; his handcuffs hang from the bed. She glares at him, furious.

The kids are getting cranky and tired. Nick will keep everyone safe – keep going – we’re almost there. Good job you guys *cough*

Nikki knows Victor’s worried, but don’t put yourself in danger, she nags as he walks off – he’s unable to make that promise.

Luca takes Marisa’s hand. He’ll keep her safe – that’s what husbands are for. Noah all but rolls his eyes.

Vikki reassures Chelsea, who knows she must be freaking out too – Katie and Johnny are down there too.

Ben and Uncle Jack should be back, Abby comments. Billy agrees – he’s going to find his kids. Be careful, Victor cautions. Nikki notes that Phyllis and Ashley have left too. As Ben joins Jack in the break room, Ashley and Phyllis arrives – what to do next? We need to make a decision. They’re encouraged to hear sirens. Jack and Phyllis will head downstairs – Ben and Ashley will go back to the ballroom. Seconds after they leave, the building starts to collapse. Ben covers Ashley as things start to explode around them.

The lobby is crawling with firefighters, Paul and Dylan go over blueprints – then call for a helicopter to land on the roof to start rescuing people. Nick, Sage, Kevin and Mariah file in with the coughing kids (who will be taken to GCM to be checked out) Adam, dressed as a firefighter, calls Connor over – you OK? Kevin etc. are stunned to see Adam. Paul orders him returned to GCM immediately. He hands Connor to Sage, then sneaks up the staircase (much to Paul’s annoyance)

In the ballroom, all hear the helicopter overhead. After Victor opens the door to the rooftop, Dylan races in to update that the kids are OK. Ashley and Ben? Phyllis and Jack? Victor hugs a distraught Abby. Jack and Phyllis are trapped in the break room and must wait for rescue. Ashley and Stitch will be OK, Jack tries to convince himself.

Ashley and Ben crawl out from under rubble in the employee kitchen. OMG, your leg! Is it broken? Ashley refuses to leave without Ben. We might both die here. Ashley won’t let that happen.

Dylan instructs – 4 people at a time. There’s some debate on who goes first – Joe suggests Lily, who asks Lauren. All then rush towards Dylan (who takes the first four) Nikki, Vikki and Abby agree to go after Victor vows to find everyone who’s missing. Billy’s going after Ben and Ashley – Vikki’s to take care of the kids. Blowing Nikki a kiss, Victor exits.

As Chris blasts Mike for freeing Adam, Lauren races into his arms. We’re safe! Lily updates Chris that Dylan’s doing an excellent job saving 4 people at a time via helicopter. Injuries? Ben hurt his arm. Lily’s then relieved when the kids report how Kevin made their escape fun. Where’s Daddy?

Cane’s coughing on the ground…. Phyllis laughs as Jack tries to get through the door. He too chuckles – oh what a predicament they’re in. Trapped – no one knows we’re here. How could it possibly be worse? Laughter gives way to fear. We’re gonna be OK, Jack hugs her. Trust me. They then hear the helicopter – they must be on the roof.

Chris calls Paul – who already knows – Adam’s here. He ran up the stairs before Paul could arrest him. He’s alarmed to hear that Patty’s call wasn’t a hoax – she could be in the building. Sage won’t leave NE (knowing Nick will run in looking for his family if she leaves)