Monday, March 7th

Phyllis arrives at Summer’s (as summoned) I told Grandpa everything, she admits. I wanted to protect you and Billy, but … You fed Billy and me to Victor for lunch? Phyllis isn’t happy – this isn’t good. Summer cries – you probably hate me. I thought I was doing the right thing… Vikki was there. I really messed up didn’t I? What’s going to happen now? Phyllis blames herself for putting Summer in this position ~hug~

Back at the club, Jack wonders how long Phyllis and Billy have been working with these two behind his back. Forgive me for questioning your ethics, he’s sarcastic with Natalie. Billy’s trying to right a wrong. No, it’s a declaration of war, Jack corrects. Luca chimes in to say that Victor can’t fight them from prison – we can launch Passkey. We!? Jack balks – who is we??

Billy wouldn’t go behind my back, Vikki insists. I warned you, Victor takes no pleasure from this – but is sure Billy’s behind it.

Vikki refuses to believe it’s as simple as Summer says. Victor knows the Abbotts are scheming against him. Billy will say he’s helping Phyllis – but he’s a drunk, a gambler. You fall for his crap again and again. How could you? I’m sure that’s a question Mom asks herself every night, Vikki quips as she slams out.

Billy thinks Luca an asset. Jack wants nothing to do with the Santoris. Luca’s no longer tied to his family or Victor – he’s committed to the project. And can prove himself to Jack – the enemy of my enemy is my friend. No, sometimes just another enemy, Jack snarls. Luca will take Natalie somewhere (since she’s been kicked out of Summer’s) That leaves Jack to ask why Billy would partner with that bottom feeder. To get you justice, Billy replies.

When Ashley returns to the lab, (with Simon) Neil tells her about his and Jack’s project – would she like to help guide the project? That sounds like a wonderful opportunity, Hilary arrives to crow.

In an examination room at GCM, Ben reassures Abby that the baby’s fine. Was Max giving you a hard time? Abby relays the conversation. When she asked Max to call 911, he just stood there. I was afraid he wouldn’t help me. Max watches through the window.

Hilary would completely understand if Ashley went to work with her brother – family working towards a common goal. We have a common goal right here, Simon reminds – saving lives. This project wouldn’t exist without Ms Abbott. And Devon’s money, Hilary reminds. Yes, but Ashley’s the heart and soul – she’s not going anywhere. And we’re happy to have her, Hilary lies. Ashley appreciates the offer but her heart is here. Neil takes Ashley aside to question her handing the reigns to Hilary. Meanwhile, Hilary orders Simon into her office. Now it’s Devon’s turn to question Ashley.

No, of course Abby doesn’t think Max would refuse to help her – I shouldn’t have said that. Yes, we’re all just stressed ~hug~ Abby’s just worried about the baby. Max comes in to say he was worried too – he’s glad she and the baby are OK. Abby’s not buyin’ it.

Phyllis feels bad that Summer’s caught between the Abbotts and Newman’s. You chose to work with Victor but you can’t blindly follow him – this was Billy’s project. Don’t let Victor take advantage of you – look what he did to Jack and me. In tears, Summer didn’t want to be part of the lies. Your Phyllis worries her choice will affect a lot of lives and give Victor reason to hurt people. Yes, Vikki. Her and Billy’s relationship might not survive this.

This isn’t about me and Phyllis – you wanted to be the hero, bring down Victor, Jack blasts Billy – you think he’ll be OK with this!? Billy isn’t an idiot – I made this happen. Victor deserves this. Jack doesn’t need Billy to defend his wife. Somebody has to, Billy says – as Phyllis arrives. Without a word, Jack walks out – Phyllis follows.