Monday, March 7th

Devon needs help understanding why Ashley would let Hilary take over a project she’s so devoted to. I gave you my answer, Ashley doesn’t elaborate.

In the office, Hilary thinks Simon’s commitment to Ashley a distraction. You can’t let emotions impact your research. Removing his tie and placing it on Hilary’s desk, Simon won’t be an organ grinder’s monkey. Don’t be useless to me, she warns as he walks out.

Max apologizes to Abby. It’s not your fault, Ben praises him for calling 911. I’m proud of you. Abby frowns as they hug.

Luca and Natalie are at Summer’s to get her stuff. Summer blames Luca for compiling the evidence against her grandfather. I had to rat my Mom out to him. If you wanna blame someone, blame Victor, Luca replies.

Vikki joins Billy at the bar – you’ve been lying to me.

Jack follows Phyllis to Top of the Tower (to gripe at her for involving Summer in this mess) Neil interrupts to tell Jack that Ashley declined the offer to join them (probably because she got freight trained by my ex wife’s ambition) Victor then appears to wag his finger at Phyllis, then Jack. When I lose I come back stronger than ever. I will grind you into dust!


Next: What are you saying? Nick asks. That I think you’re looking for ways to sabotage this adoption, Sage replies … Jack’s on the phone with Paul – you need to lock Victor up again. He’s out of control… I had nothing to do with that, Billy says. After all these years you think you’d be a better liar, Vikki doesn’t believe him

My Thoughts: Has Summer lost her mind? Victor would never abandon his family? He didn’t lose too much sleep over not raising Adam – and Nick and Vikki were both sent off to boarding school. Oh, and when was the last time anyone mentioned Reed? Does Victor go out of his way to utilize his court appointed visitation with Connor? That’s what I thought …. Maybe Max is bipolar? He was practically hanging off Abby’s arm and insisted SHE take him back to school the other day. Now he’s channeling Damien from the Omen… Um – hasn’t Hilary already Christened that couch? It’s the same couch Devon saw her making out with Neil on (which he actually hinted about)… Why, oh WHY do Jack and Phyllis keep showing up at a restaurant owned by Victor – located in HIS building? It makes absolutely no sense. So how long before someone gives Natalie a makeover with Kevin and Luca vying for her attention? … Line of the day goes to Devon ‘Do you have a problem with her (Hilary)?- Gosh no – I can’t think of any reason Neil would have a problem with Hilary, none whatsoever.