Friday, July 7th

Kevin brings the last of the luggage down, gives a weepy Ester a hug and assures Gloria that he’ll stay in touch. I love you angel, she gives him a hug. I love you too, Kevin chokes out. Wave goodbye to your grandmas, he instructs Bella – then pauses outside to tell her that was hard – but now we get to be a family with Mommy.

No, Lily hasn’t told the twins that Juliet’s pregnant (since it might not be Cane’s) She worries how to handle it if the baby is Cane’s. Neil hopes Lily’s prepared to make the heavy decisions facing her.

Reassuring the twins that everything will be fine, Cane claims to have no idea why he was fired. Receiving support and hugs, he marvels at how he ended up with such great kids.

Billy reads from Vikki’s laptop – sales figures are low across the board for the quarter. We had to scrap the commercial and had nothing to replace it – as head of the company, Vikki must figure out how to keep BnS afloat.

Nikki’s startled to see that Victor’s home and watching her. If you don’t want to perform, we can call it off and raise as much money with a party, he offers to call the Dean. Nikki’s determined to give this concert – not for you, for us – but for ME. Victor’s puzzled.

Back at the tackhouse, Chelsea tells Nick that he’s right – his Mom’s in a lot of pain but wants to prove herself. At what cost? Nick’s worried about Nikki’s health. Knowing she’ll be furious with him, Nick can’t let this concert go on.

Next: What exactly did you want to talk to me about? Hilary asks. The story that the audience would actually like to see, Victor replies …. I am more than ready for tomorrow’s performance and you are going to be there to see it, a defiant Nikki tells Jack …. I don’t know how you’re family’s ever going to recover from this, Jill tells Cane.

My Thoughts: Odd that Lily had no reaction to Cane ‘taking’ Juliet for a DNA test. That’s kind of a personal thing under the least volatile of circumstances. Did they drive together? Wait for an appointment together? Did Cane hold Juliet’s hand because she’s afraid of needles? I can’t imagine Lily being OK with Cane being alone with the woman he cheated with – or out in public. How will that look to people they bump into? …. Vikki’s obviously not nearly as good a businesswoman as she thinks she is. She fired exactly half of her executive staff without even thinking about who’d replace them. Even now, she’d rather overwork Billy than hire new people. Billy can work as many extra hours as he likes but he can’t do the work of two people working 9-5 during the week; AKA, BUSINESS hours. And I’m sure Phyllis’ patience will wear as thin as her see-thru apron. She couldn’t even handle Billy going to LA for a business trip without her… I guess it’s none of the twins business who their parents cheat with – but when they do find out, I hope they don’t think their Dad is the only cheater in the house – he’s just the most dishonest cheater in the house. For now anyway – Jordan’s waiting in the wings… It seems quite silly for Nikki to be changing in and out of her Chelsea 2.0 original in the living room of her massive ranch. Why not go up to what I assume is a spacious bedroom suite upstairs? And are Chelsea’s sewing skills that poor that the hem needs to be machine sewn?