Friday, November 29th, 2019

Vikki races into Society apologizing for being late – but excited that she’s on the verge of closing a deal her Dad’s been negotiating forever. Yes, Brasil. Can you believe it!? Yes – Billy can – you’re beautiful and smart as hell. Vikki again apologizes for rambling on about business. Billy’s future is wide open – he won’t work until he finds a job he’s excited about. Vikki has an idea to help him find the perfect job.

Nick comes home to report that things are going well at the worksite – how’s Connor? One minute OK, the next terrified, Chelsea hopes to help her son work through this. Adam wants me to move in so I can be there for him full time. Of course he does – you’re not actually considering it, are you? Nick’s clearly not thrilled.

About to enter TGP, Chance gets a call from Devon – who’s sure Collin will confess is he looks him in the eye. Not possible – Collin’s no longer in custody – he escaped during transport. Devon’s pissed. So’s Chance (who’s been asked to back off the case because of his involvement) I’ll let you know when we have news ~click~ Devon then whines to Elena – it’s not about the money; it’s about two conmen playing me for a fool.

Amanda’s watching her GPS tracker on her phone when Nate joins her at TGP. He’s a bit late but it’s not like we’re dating, he jokes/flirts – then hands over a cheque for services rendered. What’s next? Have you come to your senses and decided to stay here? Amanda’s not going back to Madison and agrees that GC has a lot to offer.

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Elena warns Devon not to seek revenge; it’s not what Neil would want. And there’s no proof that Cane’s responsible. Devon’s sure it’s payback for Lily dumping him – once a conman, always a conman. You’re making me feel guilty and it’s not fair, Devon whines – you didn’t give Nate a hard time about helping Victor fake his death. Elena DID tell Nate how she felt about his actions – but this is about YOU; the man I love. You’re better than that – better than all the people trying to take you down. Don’t test my love – I’m not going anywhere ~kiss~

Back at Society, Vikki leads Billy in a game of word association. Ruling out several jobs (including game tester and Santa) Billy once helped build homes in underprivileged neighbourhoods. That’s the perfect job for you – Nick could find something for you at New Hope. Vikki’s disappointed when Billy declines but is soon distracted by a call from Brasil. Leaving her to it, it’s Billy’s turn to look disappointed as he exits.

Chelsea describes how traumatized Connor is and how she and Adam are working hard to make him feel safe. Nick doesn’t blame Connor for wanting his parents back together again and who can blame him – with Adam constantly reminding him that it’s a possibility. Connor needs us – Chelsea barely has time to brush her teeth or sleep. Nick is the only man in her heart – don’t imagine things that aren’t happening. Surely, you don’t think anything’s going on. Nick doesn’t trust Adam. He’s not forcing me to be there for my son – Connor comes first for Chelsea, just like Christian does for Nick. She will do whatever she must to make her son feel safe. Nick puts his coat on – I need some air. Nick, Nick! Chelsea follows him down the hallway (worried he’s going to confront Adam)

What brings you by? Abby asks brightly. Chance is there to serve and protect. He’s staying in GC for a while – let’s put our heads together and come up with a plan to catch this thief.