Wednesday, July 25th

Hilary’s dream of marrying Devon at the penthouse turns into a nightmare as the minister’s words take a dark turn as he speaks of eternal rest. It’s too soon, Hilary sits up in her hospital bed.

Neil’s crossed the hall to join Devon at his place, both dressed for the wedding. You don’t need any Fatherly advice, Neil’s proud of his son and gushes about how he and Hilary brought the family together. The hospital room where he marries Hilary will be filled with love.

Happy wedding day – Phyllis is sure Hilary picked the right dress (still in a garment bag) ‘Devon’s even hired a stylist and manicurist’, the maid of honor admits she didn’t have much to do. No, Hilary hasn’t told Devon that she ‘figured it out’ – she’s hoping for a miracle and wants to enjoy every moment of the best day of her life.

At HWG, Lily and Cane are dressed for the wedding. Devastated for both Devon and Hilary, Lily sends Cane ahead – she just needs a moment to herself (to cry)

When Phyllis joins him at the GCAC bar, Jack doesn’t understand why she needs to ‘be strong’ for Hilary – what am I missing? Is Devon marrying Hilary because time’s running out???? Jack now understands.

Tessa’s summoned Mariah to CL’s to update her that (per Kimberly) Crystal’s on the verge of moving out of the place she’s been staying at – we need to move soon – today.

Phyllis gives Jack more news; Hilary knows she’s dying but hasn’t told Devon. Both are devastated by what she and Devon are facing and hope Billy will be at the wedding. If not, Jack will be there for Phyllis. We’ll be there for each other, she corrects.

Needing to leave town today, Tessa wants Mariah to come with her but understands if she can’t. Your whole life is here. Mariah won’t throw her one shot at being with Tessa away. You can’t tell anyone, not even Sharon, Tessa can’t risk her going to the police. It’ll be hard not to say anything but Mariah agrees. After the wedding, she’ll see Sharon one more time before leaving GC for good.

On the patio, Charlie tells Shawna that he loves her for keeping his Mom’s secret. Things will get better when Hilary comes home. Shawna hopes so.